Hearing The Voice Of The Perfect Father

This is a short clip from the Miracles Are Normal Video Course. To order, just click HERE

Remember that the first phase of maturation is all about knowing the Father. Every promise and every “normal” already exists in its entirety in His heart. Knowing who He is to you allows you to plumb the depths of His heart to access those promises. Knowing who you are to Him provides the framework necessary for you to receive and steward them. Co-creation first begins in the heart of God, so before anything else, you must intimately know your heavenly Father.

Closeness with an unseen God might be a struggle for you, especially if your earthly father did not accurately portray His nature. If your father was physically absent or emotionally distant, you may have filled those empty and aching places in your soul with coping mechanisms like self-sufficiency, addiction, numbness or apathy. You may feel that same distance in your relationship with Father God – not because He really is distant, but because He is distant to you. If your father was critical, negative or verbally abusive, you may have blocked out his voice to survive and might now be unconsciously blocking out your heavenly Father’s voice. If your father was neglectful or abusive, you may have created self-protective walls that are now standing between you and your perfect Father. He’s an expert at gently breaking down barriers, so just keep an unconditional yes in your heart and allow Him to teach you to trust Him. And from that place of deep trust, all fear attached to hearing His voice will fade away, opening the way for greater clarity in your life and greater intimacy in your walk with Him. Even the best human father is still less than perfect, leaving us all in need of His flawless fathering.

This “Abba Prayer” expresses every heart’s cry for deep and intimate connection with Father God. Pray this aloud daily until you sense solid trust within you and feel an emotional connection with your heavenly Father. Keep this tool in your spiritual toolbelt, pulling it out anytime Holy Spirit wants to heal a father wound or take you deeper in intimacy with Father God.

God, I come to You as my Abba, Father, with my spirit crying out for You to father me perfectly. I give You permission to bring to the surface any wound or memory that is limiting me or affecting me in a negative way. I trust Your timing, and I am willing to see and remember what You want to show me, trusting that You will pour out healing and abundant grace. I ask You to heal every wound, uproot every trauma, and replace every lie with Your truth, removing even the smallest residue of imperfect fathering. I ask You to reveal Your true nature to me. Show me who You really are to me and who I really am to You. Invade every place of fear and orphanhood with Your strong, pure love. I say yes to learning to trust You. I say yes to hearing Your voice. I trust that You know what is best for me, that You can accomplish more for me than I can for myself and that You desire far better for me than I can imagine. I choose to connect with You intimately and deeply as my Perfect Father. Amen!

-Virginia Killingsworth

If you’d like a FREE copy of the Abba Prayer, you can download it HERE

For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to bring you back again into fear; on the contrary, you received the Spirit, who makes us sons and by whose power we cry out, “Abba!” (that is, “Dear Father!”).

-Romans 8:15, CJB

Be patient with yourself as your Father orchestrates your unique transformation process with infinite kindness, wisdom and precision. The more you know your Father, the more you recognize that His thoughts and ways are very different than the Adam-nature you’re familiar with. As you faithfully receive His truth, allowing it to conform you to His image, you will begin to notice how wonderful and how large His thoughts toward you really are. You will begin to see that you once believed the same lie as Adam and Eve in the garden – that God is withholding something good from you. You will begin to understand that eating from His words are your Tree of Life and that agreement with limitation is your only limitation. Over time, you will begin to live out of your oneness with Him and will be delighted that your thoughts, which were once so contrary, are now one and the same.

For those whom the Lord loves He corrects, even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights.

-Proverbs 3:12, AMP

We see here that the Father brings correction to those He loves, but father wounds can cause us to fear or resist this necessary correction. As you grow in truly knowing Him, you will discover that, unlike a demonic spirit of condemnation, His correction will never leave you feeling ashamed or hopeless. Every word of God, by its very nature, imparts the solution and the grace to obey. His words are always words of life.

This is an excerpt from chapter 5 of Miracles Are Normal: Co-Creating Through Oneness With God. Chapter 5, entitled “God-Thoughts – Renewing Your Mind,” contains keys that will help you overcome imperfect fathering, fear of making mistakes, difficulty listening, failure to recognize God’s voice and believing lies. 

To purchase a Miracles Are Normal hard copy, e-book or audio book, click HERE
To purchase on Amazon, click HERE
To purchase the Miracles Are Normal Video Course, which includes 16 classes in both audio and video format and 24 worksheets, click HERE.

And by the way, we are still working the bugs out of the video course platform. If you have trouble making your payment, just email me at virginia@windsoffire.us, and I’ll help you bypass the problem. If you have purchased a video course and noticed that it was categorized as an “automatic payment,” don’t worry. You will not be charged more than once. 

Happy co-creating!

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