
When we are marked by the 4 faces (Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man), the elements of fire, earth, wind and water make themselves available to us to serve us as we serve God. They become the raw materials with which we co-create with the Father. “Terraforming” is causing earth to reflect heaven. And we do this as we function in the Melchizedek Priesthood from heaven to earth, wearing these 4 faces, led by Holy Spirit. THIS is how we co-create with God to make the spiritual tangible. And THIS is how we usher in HIS REIGN OF SHALOM! … Continue readingTerraforming

Emotional Alignment

The renewing of the mind does require gentle and persistent co-laboring with God. But restoration and reprogramming of every layer of the soul is possible, and it is part of your spiritual maturation process. When you begin retraining your subconscious mind by governing your conscious mind, you and your world will be transformed. Everything changes!  … Continue readingEmotional Alignment

Your Part and God’s Part

Have you ever wondered what your part is and what God’s part is in this whole miracle thing? Have you asked, “Is it up to me or up to God? Am I to do something or do nothing?” Have you wondered what obedience or faith is supposed to look like for you in your specific situation? If you’re asking these questions, you are dancing the dance of the two camps. And you are not alone. … Continue readingYour Part and God’s Part