The Precious Oil of Sacrifice

Several weeks ago, my Beloved woke me up gently with this:

Some doors only open with the precious oil of sacrifice.

I saw a beautiful ancient door and a hand reaching for the doorknob. The hand was dripping with oil, and I knew by the Spirit that I was in Song of Solomon 5. In this passage, the Beloved, who represents Christ, knocks on the door of the Shulamite woman, who represents us. She wrestled with the inconvenience of getting out of her bed (her comfortable place, lethargy, spiritual slumber), putting her robe back on, and getting her feet dirty, but finally gets up to let Him in.

My Beloved put His hand by the latch of the door, and my heart yearned for Him. I arose to open for my Beloved, and my hands dripped with myrrh, my fingers with liquid myrrh.

-Song of Solomon 5:4-5, NKJV

Myrrh represents death to self. I continue to learn at deeper and deeper levels that growth and maturation (working OUTWARD my salvation) involves repeated cycles of dying to live and losing my life to find it. At each juncture, I must continue saying YES to Him… allowing Him to go deeper in me, so that I can go higher in Him. And I must draw upon His grace to do what my flesh in incapable of doing: die.

As I gave Him my YES again, He spoke to me to read back a little farther in the passage.

Open for Me, my sister, My love, My dove, My perfect one; for My head is covered with dew, My locks with the drops of the night.

-Song of Solomon 5:2, NKJ

He continued, “In other words, “I am seeking a dwelling place, a habitation, a place where I can find My rest. But it will involve sacrifice.”

No, God isn’t sadistic. He simply knows that the flesh we inherited from Adam is incapable of producing spiritual fruit or leading us in the way of love, joy and peace. As we are led by His Spirit, He will give us opportunities to break free of its limitations and its bondage. For some, the sacrifice is praying aloud, praising when we don’t feel like it, worshipping demonstratively, fasting food, entertainment or sleep, being silent when we desire to speak, or speaking up when it is more comfortable remaining silent. Quite simply…. We can’t be an overcomer without overcoming something. And that “something” always starts within and works its way out.

If you are walking through challenging circumstances or are having to work some new spiritual muscles, be encouraged because…

For our momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison…

II Corinthians 4:17, NASB

As your hands drip with the myrrh of dying to self, the door will open for the breathtakingly beautiful King of Glory to make His abode. He is making you to be His habitation.

What an incredible journey we’re on!

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