The Power Of Passion

This is a tiny excerpt from the Miracles Are Normal Video Class. All 16 classes in both audio and video format, plus 24 worksheets, are available HERE

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Do you know what the word enthusiasm actually means? It is a combination of two Greek words: en, which means “within,” and theos, which means “God.” So…enthusiasm literally means “God within!” As you are being changed from glory to glory, you should be moving from passion to passion, with Him as the delight of your heart. He is the greatest ecstasy, the highest pleasure. This does not mean that life is always easy; it does mean that beneath the discipline, duty and raw obedience required in the overcoming, there is a deep inner spring of passion and enthusiasm. Duty void of passion is religion; duty fueled by passion is sonship.

Remember that co-creating with God and manifesting miracles is all about the uniting of thoughts, feelings and words. Imagination gives you the opportunity to feel the emotions of joy and DESIRE FULFILLED, which, in turn, creates joy as the desire is fulfilled! And joy is the highest compliment to God!

…we fasten our gaze onto Jesus who birthed faith within us and who leads us forward into faith’s perfection. His example is this: Because His heart was focused on the joy of knowing that you would be His, He endured the agony of the cross and conquered its humiliation, and now sits exalted at the right hand of the throne of God! –Hebrews 12:2, TPT

James 5:16 tells us that it is the passionate, heartfelt prayer of a godly believer that moves mountains. Why? Because passionate prayer is the alignment of thought, word and intense emotion. The Father doesn’t want us to be lukewarm (Revelation 3:16) for the same reason He doesn’t want us to be double-minded (James 1:8). He longs for us to be recipients of His lavish goodness, and lukewarmness (lack of positive feeling and desire) misaligns us, preventing us from receiving.

If you are not feeling passion in life, you may have played it safe instead of stepping out in faith. You may have compromised something to remain comfortable. Finding your passion will probably involve expending spiritual and emotional energy and taking risks. If you do not have a burning desire, simply draw upon your connection with His burning heart. He is a zealous, passionate God, and His heart is your heart. Even in difficult situations, you can still delight yourself in Him. He is a continual feast.

Happy co-creating!

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