When we are marked by the 4 faces (Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man), the elements of fire, earth, wind and water make themselves available to us to serve us as we serve God. They become the raw materials with which we co-create with the Father. “Terraforming” is causing earth to reflect heaven. And we do this as we function in the Melchizedek Priesthood from heaven to earth, wearing these 4 faces, led by Holy Spirit. THIS is how we co-create with God to make the spiritual tangible. And THIS is how we usher in HIS REIGN OF SHALOM!
This video teaching will explain this in depth and will give you practical action steps for painting heaven on the canvas of earth. Enjoy!
Governance Masterclass
I hope you can join me and my dear friend, Terry Spencer, for Session 5 of his Governance Masterclass on Tuesday, February 6th at 6:00 pm CT. We’ll be talking more about terraforming and the Melchizedek priesthood, and… we’ll be practicing together. To register, click HERE.

Jumpstart 2024
Jumpstart 2024 has FAR exceeded my expectations! Every day this month, nearly 100 people from all over the world have joined us. The depth of encounter and sweetness of unity has blown all our minds (literally). The month is only a bit more than halfway over, so, if you’ve been thinking about joining us in prayer, heavenly encounter, equipping in sonship and deep intimacy with the King, it’s not too late to… JUMP RIGHT IN!
We start at 6:00 EST on Monday – Friday and at 7:00 EST on Saturday and Sunday. To join, just log in to Zoom, with Meeting ID: 838 2936 7265 and Passcode: 433457. Or use this LINK
I think we are all sensing the positive shift of a new day. Truly, it is a glorious time to be alive, and I am honored and grateful to be on this journey with YOU!
Until next time,