The Law Of Resonant Frequency

We know that the “double minded man” does not receive the things he requests from the Lord (James 1:8), but now you know why! Doublemindedness is a state of conflict between various parts of your being. Your thoughts create, your emotions create, and your words create, but when these areas are creating opposing things, you are literally fighting yourself, sabotaging your success. The solution is simple and clear: in order to manifest your miracle, you need to be in alignment with God and with yourself. I believe that the fragmentation of our minds happened at the fall and that the restoration purchased for us at the cross will allow us seamless access to 100% of our brain’s capacity. As maturing sons of God, we are growing into the stewardship of our renewed mind by understanding how these fragmented pieces function together and by learning how to govern, overshadow and restore them under the lordship of Christ. … Continue readingThe Law Of Resonant Frequency

Faith: Your Co-Creating Substance

Have you cried out for the supernatural and are now finding yourself in a situation which demands it? If so, it is probably by Divine design and is aimed at motivating you and teaching you how to co-create with your Creator. We see from Hebrews 11:3 that the visible was made out of the invisible by the word of God. The visible is merely a manifestation of the invisible! Faith is the life and frequency of God which causes the illusion of this temporal realm to bow to His lordship, His will and His word. It is through faith that we overcome the illusion of this temporal world (this dimension) and all its limitations. It is through faith that we overcome doubt, unbelief, fear, lies, limitation, “impossibility” and all that which is contrary to the greatness of God’s promises to us. … Continue readingFaith: Your Co-Creating Substance

Where Are You On Your Maturity Map?

Do you know where you are on your maturity map? Here’s a questionnaire that will help you assess your overall progress… not to cause you to feel ashamed, to strive or to perform, but to show you how to cooperate with God and even enjoy the specific classroom that you are in right now. Remember, God is your perfect Father. He is more concerned with your maturation and destiny than He is your comfort, therefore He has put you in the specific classroom that will help you grow. … Continue readingWhere Are You On Your Maturity Map?

Breaking Cycles and Redeeming Time – the Power of Elul, part 3

For the last few weeks, we’ve been talking about the 40 day season which starts with the Hebrew month Elul and ends on Yom Kippur. So far, you’ve learned that there is an extra measure of grace poured out from the Father as we spend time with Him, allowing Him to reveal any negative cycles He wants to break. Now, let’s talk about the fun stuff: supernaturally redeeming time! … Continue readingBreaking Cycles and Redeeming Time – the Power of Elul, part 3


The next thing I knew I was standing upon the mountain of government of this nation releasing truth, calling all hidden things into the light. Jesus was with me, and I was in Him and Him in me. Righteousness and Justice stood with me, one on each side, holding up my hands like Aaron and Hur. I decreed blessing and protection for all who are allied with Righteousness and Justice. Then I began to call others into this Secret Place, for more is accomplished here in one moment than in years of earth-bound labor. As I released the call, many began to show up, and the more that showed up, the more the earth was filled with His glory. There was a direct correlation between the two. … Continue readingTHE SECRET PLACE, PART 4: YOUR MISSION, SHOULD YOU CHOOSE TO ACCEPT IT

The Gold and the Glory

I was walking with the Father and Enoch on the Ancient Paths, as I often do, but today it was golden… like the “yellow brick road.” I knew by the Spirit that it represented both the gold and the glory. The Father said, “It is your destiny to be a conduit of provision on the earth. Walk with Me on this path, child. Remember to walk in step with My rhythm.” As He said that, Wisdom appeared and began walking with us. Wisdom said, “Now that you have received my truth, Prudence will help you with the practical application. A good teacher always engages with both of us. I reveal the principle that, once mastered, can be used in different situations. Prudence reveals the practical application and the Divine strategy for implementation. Know that as soon as you are prepared to steward, your Father will pour out abundant blessings. He will open doors, establish connections and release opportunities.” … Continue readingThe Gold and the Glory