The Gold and the Glory

I was walking with the Father and Enoch on the Ancient Paths, as I often do, but today it was golden… like the “yellow brick road.” I knew by the Spirit that it represented both the gold and the glory. The Father said, “It is your destiny to be a conduit of provision on the earth. Walk with Me on this path, child. Remember to walk in step with My rhythm.” As He said that, Wisdom appeared and began walking with us. Holy Spirit then reminded me of Wisdom’s words in Scripture…

Unending wealth and glory come to those who discover where I dwell. The riches of righteousness and a long, satisfying life will be given to them.
-Proverbs 8:18

So, “unending wealth and glory” (golden roads) come to those who discover where Wisdom dwells! Where does she dwell? Again, Holy Spirit led me to the answer in Scripture…

I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.
-Proverbs 8:12

I discovered that Wisdom is primarily intuitive reason, whereas prudence is the practical outworking of that reason. Prudence is defined as: 

1 : the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason. 2 : shrewdness in the management of affairs. 3 : skill and good judgment in the use of resources. 4 : caution or circumspection as to danger or risk. 5: the act of being careful, often with money (for example, checking your bank account before you spend money. If you show good and careful judgment when handling practical matters, you can be described as prudent. Similarly, a wise and well-thought-through decision or action can be called prudent. The word “prudent” comes from a contracted form of the Latin prōvidēns from the verb “to foresee.”

So, literally, Prudence is wise and careful management of practical matters, specifically in terms of looking and planning ahead. The definition of the term translated “witty inventions” in Proverbs 8:12 also has to do with wise planning. So, Wisdom perceives and Prudence carefully forsees, executing the practical outworking of Wisdom in the form of plans and Divine strategies. This is particularly applicable to the management of money and material resources. Wisdom is not manifested without the practical outworking of Prudence. They must dwell together. 

Back on the Ancient Paths, Prudence joined us. She resembled Wisdom in her beautifully sculptured and flawless facial features, but her hair appeared to me as being more auburn in color, whereas Wisdom’s hair appeared more of a dark brown. I could tell they were comrades, dear friends, coworkers and playmates. They were focused, but in a very lighthearted way. They were not frivolous with their assignments but were simply having fun doing them… just like the scene described in Proverbs 8:30, when Wisdom danced and played and rejoiced as she co-created with God in the beginning. They smiled at each other and at all of us, bubbling over with so much joy. And they handed a golden baton back and forth. Wisdom would do her part and then would hand the baton to Prudence for her precise execution. Then they looked at the Father and Enoch with a look of mutual understanding. Laughing, they grabbed me by the arms, and we left the Ancient Paths and were instantly in a counsel room filled with gold. There was a rectangular counsel table like I usually see in heavenly counsel rooms, but the entire room was filled with gold… gold coins all over the table, chairs and the floor, gold bars stacked up in huge piles, black velvet sacks of gold, gold nuggets scattered throughout. I sat down at the table, along with 12 angels who had been sent specifically for this assignment. Wisdom and Prudence stood behind me and removed from my shoulders a garment of naivety I didn’t even realize I was wearing. They then placed upon me a velvet-looking, gold mantle of shrewdness that they said would be necessary for my next assignment.

Listen carefully: I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; so be wise as serpents, and innocent as doves [have no self-serving agenda].
-Matthew 10:16, AMP

The word translated “wise” in this passage is Strong’s #G5429, which is also translated as shrewd and prudent!

Then, in perfect unison, Wisdom and Prudence said to me, “You will retain your innocence, in the sense of having no self-serving agenda, but to this innocence is now being added the shrewdness you were lacking. This will enable you to be a good steward of both heavenly and earthly resources.” They then took from my eyes “rose colored glasses” that I didn’t realize I was wearing either, and they placed on me multicolored glasses that represented the multicolored, multidimensional, multifaceted Wisdom of God: 

So now through the church the multifaceted wisdom of God [in all its countless aspects] might now be made known [revealing the mystery] to the [angelic] rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 3:10

Wisdom and Prudence continued, “You will now have eyes to see better into the hearts of men. Before you share the treasures within, you will look through these glasses to see if there is a love for us. A king (someone who is not a slave) will search out these things. But someone who is unable to steward will not take the time nor put forth the effort to search it out. From now on, you will not squander; you will invest.

A prudent man conceals his knowledge, but fools proclaim their folly.
-Proverbs 12:23, RSVCE

This follows the Divine pattern found in Proverbs 25:2 : It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.

Several days prior, Holy Spirit had taught me that there are 4 things that we can do with our resources (time, money, energy, affection, revelation, gifting):

1. Waste
2. Spend
3. Lend
4. Invest

When you give to the poor, you lend to the Lord. So you don’t bring multiplied increase, but God does repay you with interest. You waste when your giving enables someone to continue in sin or immaturity, like the prodigal son. Had the father bailed him out of the pigpen, he wouldn’t have returned home. 

God gives “seed to the sower and bread to the eater.” When you spend your resources, they are simply bread. That’s ok. God does give us our daily bread. But He gives more to those who are good stewards, those He can trust to invest and bring increase. That has to do with putting our money and resources into things and people that will multiply.

Wisdom said, “Now that you have received my truth, Prudence will help you with the practical application. A good steward always engages with both of us. I reveal the principle that, once mastered, can be used in different situations. Prudence reveals the practical application and the Divine strategy for implementation. Know that as soon as you are prepared to steward, your Father will pour out abundant blessings. He will open doors, establish connections and release opportunities.” 

Then Prudence, with one massive sweep of her arm, cleared the gold coins from the table and placed before me a scroll that was both a map and a detailed, step by step strategy. She placed it on the table, and it unrolled by itself and remained flat. She said, “Child, eat the scroll. Your soul is not ready for all these details, but your spirit is ravenous. It will work its way out into your mind when it is time and when you are ready.” It then rolled back up by itself. I picked it up and began to eat it. The minute it touched my tongue, it melted in my mouth and tasted like honey. I swallowed the warm, sweet liquid that remained and felt a soft, pulsing explosion in my belly. 

Wisdom and Prudence continued as one, “Don’t shrink back from thinking and planning ahead. You are becoming skilled at using your thoughts, feelings, words and imagination to create. In this way, your ‘prudence’ will go before you to prepare the way by creating the way.”   

I believe that the Father is releasing increase to His sons who have submitted to the process of maturity and overcoming in past seasons. If this encounter has resonated with you, I invite you to join me and, in childlike faith, take a walk on this golden pathway. Today, say yes to the intuitive reason of Wisdom and the practical, Divine foresight of Prudence, which will enable you to be an earthly conduit for the King of kings, bringing exponential increase to His kingdom here!

Thanks for being a part of my amazing God-journey. Remember to visit for music, teachings and free stuff!

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