Living Out of Heaven, part 1

We are not human beings who have spiritual experiences. We are spirit beings having a human experience. The supernatural feels more natural than we think because it is our natural state. This is why Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU” We are learning to be who we really are. We are learning to live out of that place where we are seated with Christ in heavenly dimensions. We rule and reign from heaven into the earth, not the other way around. As spirit beings, we are not subject to the limitations of this physical realm. … Continue readingLiving Out of Heaven, part 1

Born Again!

We fell from all but 3 dimensions.  Death claimed body, soul and spirit, and we were separated from God.  When we are “born again,” our spirits are literally born again!  We have passed from death unto life. So, our prayer should not be, “God, change … Continue readingBorn Again!