Restoring the Will Gate

The human will is one of the gateways of the soul.  Its function is described in James 4:7, “Therefore submit to God.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”  

In this passage we see that we must be yielded enough to submit totally to God and we must be strong enough to resist the enemy.  If rebellion or self-will occupies our will gate, we will struggle to submit to our Father, our King.  If our will has been broken and our “no” taken through abuse or control, we will struggle to resist the enemy and the needs, wants, plans and agendas of others (well-meaning or not).  And an inability to resist these things means that we are not proactively stewarding this life that has been entrusted to us and, by default, are not yielded to Him.  

If you are born again, you are a spirit being who is “seated with Christ in heavenly places” (Ephesians 2:6).  As a spirit being, you can allow Holy Spirit to take you into the realm of encounter where you can take a look at your will gate.  You might see that it is occupied by a demonic spirit of rebellion that is connected to wounds of abuse and mistrust.  Or you might see that it is totally broken down, having no gate and no walls.

Remember, the Spirit of Truth lives inside of you, and His job is to “guide you into all truth” (John 16:13).  Just yield to Him and follow Him in the specific strategy of restoration and liberation He has for you.  Repent for any ways you have traded with rebellion or passivity.  Ask the Father to  rebuild the walls around your life and to restore your will gate, so that you can govern your life in a healthy way and so that you can lay it at His feet (Isaiah 60:18).  Enthrone Jesus as King and Lord over that gate and over your whole being.  And watch your world begin to shift… from the inside out, from glory to glory!


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