Kingdom Strategy That Changes Everything

STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW! Take 1 minute to set a daily alarm on your phone at whatever time Holy Spirit leads you. When it goes off each day, take 1 minute to turn your attention to the heavens where you are seated in Christ. And then with intent, using your unique voiceprint, release TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS & JUSTICE into the earth. Spread the word to everyone you know who is willing to do this one small thing. And let’s watch with expectancy to see what the Father will do with our obedience. His kingdom is advancing! … Continue readingKingdom Strategy That Changes Everything

The King’s Horses

In a recent encounter, I saw a herd of horses…. wild, fierce, strong, fast as lightning. At first they appeared to be untamed because they had no bit or bridle (yoke of man), but then I realized that they were the King’s horses. They did not need an external yoke because they wore His yoke. His law (an even higher standard) was written upon their hearts.

I once heard that, when selecting horses for the king, the potential horses were put through rigorous training. Then, exhausted and thirsty, they were allowed to run toward the water. At the very last moment, they were given the command to stop. Only the horses that obeyed were selected for the service of the king. Today, I feel that the Father wants to encourage some people concerning the “hardness” of things in their lives right now. Yes, the resistance is often demonic in origin, but it filters through our Father’s hand UNTO our overcoming. Every sacrifice tips the scales of His justice on our behalf. Be encouraged. Be strengthened this day. Be renewed in strength and grace and purpose. You are entering another gate and with that, promotion and increased authority and dominion… as you are trained to be His “wild” stallion. … Continue readingThe King’s Horses

The Frequency of External Agreement

External, physical things are both manifestations of your inner world and points of agreement to keep the miraculous within you working its way out and into physical manifestation. They are not meant to be a substitute for God’s life within (that’s called religion). They are not magic potions or formulas, and our trust is not in them but in God, who is our Source. But they are designed by God to anchor spiritual reality in the natural world, so that it can manifest physically. External things alone cannot compensate for internal sabotage, but they can help to reveal and dislodge it. They can create outward momentum, displacing inertia by simply helping you to begin moving in the right direction. If your external anchors have the same frequency as that thing you are creating from within, they help to raise your frequency, so that you externally resonate what you desire. … Continue readingThe Frequency of External Agreement