Where Are You On Your Maturity Map?

Do you know where you are on your maturity map? Here’s a questionnaire that will help you assess your overall progress… not to cause you to feel ashamed, to strive or to perform, but to show you how to cooperate with God and even enjoy the specific classroom that you are in right now. Remember, God is your perfect Father. He is more concerned with your maturation and destiny than He is your comfort, therefore He has put you in the specific classroom that will help you grow. … Continue readingWhere Are You On Your Maturity Map?

Breaking Cycles and Redeeming Time – the Power of Elul, part 3

For the last few weeks, we’ve been talking about the 40 day season which starts with the Hebrew month Elul and ends on Yom Kippur. So far, you’ve learned that there is an extra measure of grace poured out from the Father as we spend time with Him, allowing Him to reveal any negative cycles He wants to break. Now, let’s talk about the fun stuff: supernaturally redeeming time! … Continue readingBreaking Cycles and Redeeming Time – the Power of Elul, part 3

How To Manifest Verdicts From The Courts Of Heaven

So… the message of Psalm 149 is that Biblical praise is what God uses to bind ungodly “kings” and to execute in the earth His righteous judgments which have already been rendered in the courts of heaven!!! If you have been learning about the legal system of the spirit realm and have been presenting cases in the courts of heaven, don’t forget this important piece… As you yield your body as an instrument of righteousness (Romans 6:13), the righteous judgments of God now have a tangible point of agreement in the earthly realm… a physical anchor that establishes those judgments (personally, locally, globally and cosmically) in the physical dimension. If you have been given verdicts in the courts of heaven but have not yet seen the physical manifestation, I encourage you to do some crazy praise… not just to get your manifestation, but also because He is worthy of the most extravagant praise, and then some! … Continue readingHow To Manifest Verdicts From The Courts Of Heaven

Living Out of Heaven, part 1

We are not human beings who have spiritual experiences. We are spirit beings having a human experience. The supernatural feels more natural than we think because it is our natural state. This is why Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU” We are learning to be who we really are. We are learning to live out of that place where we are seated with Christ in heavenly dimensions. We rule and reign from heaven into the earth, not the other way around. As spirit beings, we are not subject to the limitations of this physical realm. … Continue readingLiving Out of Heaven, part 1


The school of this season seems to be that of walking in dominion, taking authority over all that has been entrusted to me by the Father. It is about learning to co-rule and co-reign with Christ and about gaining the strength to be proactive rather … Continue readingDominion