Overcoming Hope Deferred, Part 1

Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
but when desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life.
-Proverbs 13:12, AMP

Disappointment can be devastating, especially when it is recurrent. But the important thing to remember about hope deferred is that it is just that: hope deferred! The word “deferred” is defined as: “withholding for or until a stated time; postponing to a later time.” 

We find a classic Biblical example of delay in Daniel 10, when Daniel had been mourning, fasting and praying for 21 days. Finally, in a terrifying angelic encounter, a heavenly being explains…

Relax, Daniel,” he continued, “don’t be afraid. From the moment you decided to humble yourself to receive understanding, your prayer was heard, and I set out to come to you. But I was waylaid by the angel-prince of the kingdom of Persia and was delayed for a good three weeks. But then Michael, one of the chief angel-princes, intervened to help me. I left him there with the prince of the kingdom of Persia. And now I’m here to help you understand what will eventually happen to your people. The vision has to do with what’s ahead.”
-Daniel 10:12-14, MSG

We see here that the answer Daniel was seeking was released from the heavenly realm the moment he began to pray, but that there were unseen things at play, things which Daniel was completely unaware of. So, whether your delay has been 21 days or 21 years, remember…you see and know “in part.”  

Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture!
-I Corinthians 13:9, NLT

One of the most difficult tests a believer can face is when it seems that God has failed to keep His word. Joseph had a 20-year time lapse between the prophetic dream of his family bowing down to him and its fulfillment, and he experienced slavery, prison, betrayal and absolute natural impossibility in between. 

Until the time that his word [of prophecy regarding his brothers] came true, the word of the Lord tested and refined him.
-Psalm 105:19, AMP

The word translated here as “tested and refined” is also translated “tried.” It is Strong’s #H6884, a word that literally means, “to fuse (metal), to refine, to melt, smelt, purge, try or test.” You get the picture – fire! The yet-unanswered word of God purged and purified Joseph, preparing him to steward that promise when it manifested. 

Any study on hope deferred would not be complete without Abraham and Sarah, ones whose impossible situation screamed loudly of being lied to by God. Twenty-five years of disappointment caused both Abraham and Sarah to laugh when God brought up His promise…again. But we know that God had the last laugh, keeping His word and supernaturally blessing them with a son whose name means “laughter.”  

Zechariah and Elizabeth, the parents of John the Baptist, were also no strangers to hope deferred. Luke 1 tells us that they were devoted lovers of God, but that they had no children and were both quite old. Zechariah had an angelic encounter while burning incense before the Lord in the Holy Place. 

Zechariah was startled and overwhelmed with fear. But the angel reassured him, saying, “Don’t be afraid, Zechariah! God is showing grace to you.  For I have come to tell you that your prayer for a child has been answered. Your wife, Elizabeth, will bear you a son and you are to name him John.”
-Luke 1:12-13, TPT

You would think that would be cause for celebration, but Zechariah had the nerve to basically tell the angel, “I don’t believe you. Prove it!” Why? The Passion Translation gives us some insight, explaining that a possible translation of “your prayer for a child” could actually be, “the prayer you don’t even pray anymore.” Prolonged hope deferred had taken its toll. 

In the midst of some pretty heavy disappointment, the Father said to me: 

You are not disappointed because My promise was not fulfilled, for it will be done. You are disappointed because it didn’t happen quickly and easily. This thing will not come without a fight, for the contending (the overcoming) is meant to prepare you for the stewarding. You are disappointed that I did not fulfill My word, as if the story is over. I always keep My word. So, in reality, you are simply disappointed that you are having to grow, mature, accept responsibility, face challenges and overcome. Now, is that really so bad? And do you now see that your disappointment hinges upon lies you believe, lies based upon negativity, doubt and unbelief? You are disappointed that I have not kept My promises because you do not believe that I will… because it seems impossible. You know how this works – your belief is creating that reality. Your root issue is not disappointment, but doubt, unbelief and negativity, which are all just symptoms of victim-thinking. Receive My Truth into every place where you believe a lie and receive My Love into every place where you feel like a victim and an orphan. Adjust your expectations, and disappointment will vanish. 

Ouch. But, really… who but the Father could say such a thing and leave me feeling completely loved and actually hopeful again? What an amazing God we have!

I hope that this has strengthened you to persevere in your process. Over the next several weeks, I will share more keys that I think will encourage you… as you co-labor with God, birthing heaven on earth….


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