Maintaining A Life Of Glory

Have you ever experienced the glory of God when He did a new thing in your life, only to feel like it gradually faded away? Did you know that this is a pattern we also see in the Bible and throughout church history.

In this teaching, you will learn how to live a life of ever-increasing glory… pursuing God into new territory while simultaneously stewarding the things He has already given you to steward. … Continue readingMaintaining A Life Of Glory

Breath of Heaven

I’ve shared before how the aspirated consonants of God’s name, YHVH (Yod, Hei, Vav, Hei) sound like breathing, especially the letter Hei, which looks like this: ה. In both Hebrew and Christian mysticism, Hei represents the Ruach, the breath of God. As you see, God’s own name contains two Hei’s, which speak of the … Continue readingBreath of Heaven

Your Part and God’s Part

Have you ever wondered what your part is and what God’s part is in this whole miracle thing? Have you asked, “Is it up to me or up to God? Am I to do something or do nothing?” Have you wondered what obedience or faith is supposed to look like for you in your specific situation? If you’re asking these questions, you are dancing the dance of the two camps. And you are not alone. … Continue readingYour Part and God’s Part