
Fiery Stones

He began to reveal to me that everything — EVERYTHING — exists in its entirety there in His heart! Every promise is already fulfilled. Everything is already restored. Every miracle is already complete. Every desire of His heart melted into ours is already “yes and amen” there in that place! As I have continued plunging into God’s heart, dancing upon the fiery stones, I have realized that the stones are just at the very entry. There are much deeper places — many mansions — in His heart. His heart is so vast, so infinite that all the galaxies and every created thing contained within it are as mere specks of dust. Encountering Him is the greatest adventure of all eternity. … Continue readingFiery Stones

Miracles Are Normal: Co-Creating Through Oneness With God

Are you facing natural “impossibilities”? Are you waiting on God to break through for you? Do you sometimes have the sense that you were created for more than the temporal illusion surrounding you? Are you hungry to see the tangible, physical manifestation of spiritual reality! If you answered yes to any of these questions, I have good news for you! My new book, MIRACLES ARE NORMAL: CO-CREATING THROUGH ONENESS WIH GOD, is now available! … Continue readingMiracles Are Normal: Co-Creating Through Oneness With God

Breaking Cycles and Redeeming Time – the Power of Elul, part 3

For the last few weeks, we’ve been talking about the 40 day season which starts with the Hebrew month Elul and ends on Yom Kippur. So far, you’ve learned that there is an extra measure of grace poured out from the Father as we spend time with Him, allowing Him to reveal any negative cycles He wants to break. Now, let’s talk about the fun stuff: supernaturally redeeming time! … Continue readingBreaking Cycles and Redeeming Time – the Power of Elul, part 3

I Am A King

I am a king, submitted to the King of kings. I think like a king, live like a king, operate like a king, feel like a king. I am at the mercy of no one or nothing. I do not labor as a slave; I co-labor with God as His son. I decree, and it is carried out by those the Father has sent to fulfill His word spoken through me. I have been schooled by the Seven Spirits of God and grown to maturity through their classrooms in the Spirit, so my ways are His ways, and my thoughts are His thoughts. I am not frantic, overwhelmed or afraid. Rather, I create my world according to His power, kindness and generosity toward me. I am an extension of His kingdom. I am an earthly picture of a heavenly reality. I am a gate of heaven. I am a king. … Continue readingI Am A King

Giants and Dust Storms

On June 16, I had an encounter where I saw 7 giants being dethroned and thrust into the earth realm, just like the pattern Jesus described in the fall of satan. As soon as these giants plummeted to the earth, I saw a huge dust storm and realized that they were kicking up dust, like a temper tantrum. I knew by the Spirit that each of the 7 giants had been assigned to one of the 7 continents, which, in turn was connected to a specific planet. … Continue readingGiants and Dust Storms