Breaking Cycles and Redeeming Time – the Power of Elul, part 2

In Hebrew, the letters of the month Elul (alef, lamed, vav, lamed) are an acronym for the phrase Ani ledodi vedodi li which is I am my Beloved’s and my Beloved is mine (Song of Solomon 6:3). In Hebrew tradition, Elul is the time when “the King is in the field rather than in the palace.” Unlike other times when He is in the palace, once a year, during the month of Elul, He is walking in the fields, easily accessible to all. Of course we know that the veil has been torn, and, because of Christ, we can approach His throne boldly any time. But the point is that during this season, there is a special grace, when God speaks to us about what needs to be redeemed from past cycles and seasons.

In the Spirit, this season can feel like everything is loose and uncertain. But that is intentional on God’s part, because, before each new cycle, He gives us the opportunity to properly align. During this month, I usually set aside specific time to listen, and to pray through things I am struggling with, as well as past dreams, revelation and prophetic words. Two years after doing this for the first time during Elul, I looked back at the negative cycles the Holy Spirit had highlighted to me, and I was amazed to see that He had uprooted all of them!

The first day of the following month, the month of Tishrei, is Yom Teruah or the Feast of Trumpets. It can be viewed as a prophetic wake-up call, but I believe it is also the traditional trumpet call blown to announce the King. In other words, on this day, we are choosing to make Him King over our lives, particularly all the areas He has spoken to us about throughout the past month.

There are 10 days between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) which are called the Days of Awe. There is much to say about this day, but in the context of this teaching, I just want to mention that, at Yom Kippur, we will be sealed for another cycle and we will eat from the fruit of what we have said yes to and what we have said no to. I believe that many times, this fruit manifests in a tangible way in the earthly, natural realm by Passover, in the spring.

This year, the month of Elul begins at sundown on Wednesday, August 19th. Next week, I’ll give you some specific keys and practical pointers to help you prepare and to get the most out of this season. Remember…in Him, nothing is impossible. You can redeem missed opportunities because time itself is subject to Him in you – Christ in you, the hope of glory! So, today, step out of agreement with all discouragement, defeat and hopelessness. Breathe in the abundant grace that is being poured out from heaven. You are an overcomer!

And if you missed the audio version of this teaching, here is the link: Breaking Cycles and Redeeming Time

As always, thanks for joining me on this incredible journey. What an amazing time to be alive!

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