Gazing, Transmuting, Transfiguring

See that you do not despise or think less of one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven [are in the presence of and] continually look upon the face of My Father who is in heaven.

-Matthew 18:10, AMP

Years ago, I was worshipping the Lord, when I sensed a presence to my left. When I looked in the Spirit, I saw that it was a heavenly being resembling a baby… beautiful features, glowing face, eyes dancing with delight as it gazed upon God. I will never forget the smile on its face and the glow of utter ecstasy as it “feasted its eyes” on Him. Throughout the entire encounter, it never took its eyes off Him, and I began to realize that the sole purpose of this being’s existence was to gaze with delight at the Beautiful One. I wish I could find adequate words to describe the look of ecstasy on this being’s face or the sense of pleasure I had in being part of the agreement of heaven and earth, as we both adored Him. It was a small taste of the highest pleasure. It also brought alignment to my values, which, so many times, are earth-locked and shallow. I often succumb to the lie that being fruitful has to do with tangibly manifested and earthly measurable results. But this being was created solely to enjoy Him and obviously to be enjoyed by Him. 

This “angel of the face” still joins me from time to time as I am worshipping and beholding His beauty, and together we simply gaze upon Him. Recently, in one of these moments, I became keenly aware that God was worthy of so much more than anything I was capable of giving Him. So I simply asked Him to transmute my worship, like the way everyone in Acts 2 heard Holy Spirit’s utterances in his own language. And He did! My song was miraculously transformed into something God-worthy by the time it reached His ears and His heart. And not only that, I was transfigured, too.

The next time I entered into this encounter of gazing, I found myself surrounded by a bunch of globes with spinning rings that reminded me of Saturn. They were not encircling me, but were in a circle with me. I knew that they had to do with displaying the beauty I was beholding. But it was also very obvious that I was being invited on a journey of discovery concerning their identity and mysterious form. Within a very short time, a dear friend shared with me that these objects were us… a group of maturing sons in our celestial bodies, as described by Paul in I Corinthians 15:40. What a joy and an honor to behold Him in heaven and display Him within creation! And what a treasure hunt exploring this mystery will be!

The bottom line is this… We become what we behold, and we behold the heavenly realm first through the imagination gate. As a son of God, you will use your imagination to gaze upon (thus creating) many things, but first, you must align your gaze with the One who is altogether lovely. His beauty puts every goal and desire in proper perspective, and every other pleasure pales in comparison to the ecstasy of His presence. Truly, everything you desire you will find in Him.

Happy gazing!

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