A Season of Preparation, Ease and Abundance

I saw golden rain begin to fall and knew that I was to voice, “Let it rain.” It was like the original, “Light, be!” So, I said, “Rain, be!” It was a rain of golden glory (gold and glory). Then I heard the Father say, “A season of abundance is coming to the earth. The wise (those who have eyes to see and ears to hear what is plainly evident) will prepare. Many have petitioned in the courts of heaven for justice for the oppressed (which is judgment for the oppressor who refuses to repent), and it has been granted. My decrees have already gone forth setting things in motion. But the shaking will affect all to one degree or another. Ask of Me, and I will pour out wisdom for the days ahead – blueprints of preparation.”

In obedience to His instructions, I asked for wisdom for the days ahead. Immediately, I saw blueprints falling from heaven. They were very intricate architectural drawings. Where the “scale chart” normally is on earthly architectural drawings, a “time chart” existed, indicating the timing allotted for particular events and preparatory steps. I heard, “My sons can turn the tide of any earth event. Raise them up. Prepare them to prepare others. Release them through the East Gate.”

A “strong east wind” started to blow. The phrase was very specific, so I knew it was referencing the wind that parted the Red Sea, allowing the Israelites to cross on dry ground. I did a little research and discovered that a wind blowing from east to west is called a “trade wind.” Trade winds made ocean voyages easier and helped early sailing ships make their journeys to the Americas. 

I heard the Father say, “I am even now sending My winds to make a way where there seems to be no way and to bring ease and acceleration in the journey of the righteous. Open the East Gate to these, My winds. The same winds that bring ease to the righteous will trouble the wicked.”

So, how do we apply this revelation? First, just as the Father said, we ask Him for wisdom, receiving His blueprints and accompanying timetable. Second, we step by faith into the season of ease and abundance, remembering that it is for the purpose of preparation. The wisdom we have received from the Father’s hand will enable us to use this momentum and these resources with godly precision. Next, we submit to the process of growth and maturation as sons of God, which will enable us to turn the tide of any earth event according to the heart of the Father. We, in turn, raise up sons, preparing them to prepare others. And we open the gate to the wind of His Spirit.

Will you join me?

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