
Transmutation is supernaturally changing something from one form to another. It is a spiritual technology we see throughout Scripture, and it is available to you, too… yes, you!

We all know the story…

Now on the third day, Jesus’ mother went to a wedding feast in the Galilean village of Cana. Jesus and his disciples were all invited to the banquet, but with so many guests, they ran out of wine. And when Mary realized it, she came to Jesus and asked, “They have no wine; can’t you do something about it?” Jesus replied, “My dear one, don’t you understand that if I do this, it will change nothing for you, but it will change everything for me! My hour of unveiling my power has not yet come.” Mary then went to the servers and told them, “Whatever Jesus tells you, do it!” Nearby stood six stone water pots meant to be used for the Jewish washing rituals. Each one could hold about twenty gallons or more. Jesus came to the servers and instructed them, “Fill the pots with water, right up to the very brim.” Then he said, “Now fill your pitchers and take them to the master of ceremonies.” And when they poured out their pitchers for the master of ceremonies to sample, the water had become wine! When he tasted the water that had become wine, the master of ceremonies was impressed with its quality. (Although he didn’t know where the wine had come from, only the servers knew.) He called the bridegroom over and said to him, “Every host serves his best wine first, until everyone has had a cup or two, then he serves the cheaper wine. But you, my friend, you’ve reserved the most exquisite wine until now!”This miracle in Cana was the first of the many extraordinary miracles Jesus performed in Galilee that revealed his glory, and his disciples believed in him.

-John 2:1-11, TPT

I always wondered why Jesus’ first miracle was one of transmutation, until I remembered that He always does what He sees His Father doing. His Father’s first miracle in regard to humanity was one of transmutation, too. He formed man out of the dust of the ground and breathed into him the breath of life, making him a living being. God transmuted mankind from dust into a corporeal body filled with His very own breath!

The Plagues In Egypt
God sent Moses and Aaron to convince Pharaoh to release all of his Hebrew slaves in Egypt. For obvious reasons, he didn’t want to and needed a little convincing. Exodus 7-12 gives the account of the resulting showdown between the legitimate power of God and the advanced, highly developed demonic power of Pharaoh’s sorcerers. 

First, Aaron threw his rod down, transmuting it into a serpent. Pharaoh called for his sorcerers, and they replicated this phenomena using their dark arts. But… Aaron’s rod swallowed up all the other rods. The next miracle was turning the water in the river to blood, and Pharaoh’s sorcerers did it, too. The third miracle was filling the land with frogs, which the magicians also were able to do. Next, Moses and Aaron caused the dust to become gnats. The magicians could not do this, and, in Exodus 8:19, told Pharaoh, This is the finger of God! None of the rest of the signs and wonders could be duplicated. 

God caused swarms of flies to plague the Egyptians but not the children of Israel in Goshen. God caused only the Egyptian’s livestock to die. Moses and Aaron took soot from the kiln, threw it in the air, and it became fine dust all over the land, causing the Egyptians to break out in boils and leaving the Israelites untouched. Moses raised his staff, and the Lord rained down hail and fire in Egypt, but not in Goshen. Moses stretched out his staff, and God released a strong east wind that brought in locusts that devoured all the crops in Egypt. Moses stretched out his hand, and God caused a thick darkness to cover the land. Then of course, we know that Pharaoh finally let God’s people go after the death of all the firstborn in Egypt.  

So… the enemy could only counterfeit one-third of God’s miracles. Isn’t that an interesting similarity to the way one-third of the angels fell (Revelation 12:4)? And of the eleven miracles wrought through the hands of Moses and Aaron, four were miracles of transmutation.

Transmuted Praise
Years ago, when I first began to interact with the 7 Spirits of God (Isaiah 11:1-2) in an experiential way, one of the most dramatic encounters – and one which produced the most tangible fruit in my life – was when the Father sent me into a boxing ring in the realm of the Spirit to spar with the Spirit of Might. He manifested in male form and was huge and muscular. The Father was helping me to grow strong and to increase in authority through these spiritual exercises, as well as through the things that were filtering through His hands for my overcoming.

Holy Spirit leads me to engage with the Spirit of Might from time to time. The last time I did, I noticed that, instead of the exhaustion I experienced before, I now experienced overwhelming joy. I now understand that suffering and sacrifice are spiritual currencies that produce spiritual fruit by breaking the dominion of the flesh (if we respond correctly by either choosing voluntary sacrifice or enduring suffering with the joy of understanding that it is a trade). I heard the Father’s voice saying, I love a cheerful giver. Then He poured wine out upon and into me. I knew by the Spirit that this wine had the power to transmute anything I was walking through into some fruit of the Spirit. The Father was so happy. Then the Spirit of Might and I both started laughing uncontrollably. 

Shortly after that, I had another beautiful “transmutation” encounter as I was worshipping. I felt the presence of an angel I have encountered numerous times, whose job is simply to gaze with pleasure at the Beautiful One. Together, we were content to simply gaze at Him forever. It was enough…

Then I became keenly aware that He was worthy of so much better worship than anything I could give Him. Without even thinking about it, I began asking Him to transmute my worship into something He was worthy of. He began reminding me of how He turned water to wine and how, in Acts 2, everyone heard in their own language. So, I saw my frail and feeble worship being transformed before it entered His ears and His heart.

Jesus said that we would do greater works than even He did while He walked this earth (John 14:12), so I believe the mature sons of God will walk in miracles that, like those of Moses and Aaron, eclipse anything the adversary has to offer. But it all starts deep within, when He transmutes us from a son of Adam to a son of God. And then, as we mature, He transmutes any temporal hardship into His “eternal weight of glory” (II Corinthians 4:17). We were created for His pleasure, so, for all eternity, He will transmute all that we pour out upon Him, making it worthy of His magnificent greatness.

Until next time,

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