In March of 2008, I was ministering in Gloucester, Massachusetts when the Lord gave me my mandate: To behold His beauty with Dove’s Eyes and to display His beauty to the world.
Then I heard the Lord say, ‘Guard the East Gate.’ Immediately, I had a vision of a large, ornate, very beautiful golden gate all along the east coast of America. The top pillar was in New England and the bottom in Florida. It would be much later before I understood that the significance of those pillars had to do with the first 2 colonies in the New World: Ft. Caroline, established by French Huguenots in what is now Jacksonville, FL on June 22, 1564; and of course, Plymouth Colony, founded in 1620. I saw the beauty and the glory of the Lord sweeping through this gate across the entire nation from east to west.
Then I saw dots of light all along the coastline, and I knew that the Lord was joining those together who are called to guard this gate, releasing His presence through worship and intercession. He is awakening the intercessors, calling them to come and plead with Him for mercy, which triumphs over judgment (James 2:13).