1 Reply to “Breaking Cyles and Redeeming Time”

  1. Hi Virginia,

    I want you to know that your teaching is like fresh water to some very dry bones. I’ve been really going through a dry, parched time and this teaching and the True VS Truth has really reignited a hunger for God’s Supernatural Kingdom adventures! I was in Orlando for a brief time and attended BBI. It was a true blessing. I had no idea that you were just really starting out as a worship leader as it just didn’t show–at least to me. I really miss those times, but I know I need to let go of the past and move forward into new adventures. Your spiritual growth & maturity shined a light on the fact that I kinda got stuck in my growth and definitely need to redeem some time! I think I just got disappointed & my hope was deferred that though I had some dreams, I just wasn’t seeing in the Spirit the way most of you were. I sense things more than anything and it can be frustrating to learn accuracy in that. Thanks for making your teachings available online. Wish I could visit you and your husband’s ministry, but since it’s not that close to South Carolina, it may be awhile before it happens. I look forward to keeping up with your website and ministry online!

    Blessings, Tina

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