Ten Times Better

I hope you enjoyed Part 1 of my interview on Spirit-Centered Business last week. And I hope that you checked out the ministry of Bralynn Newby. She is a heavy hitter in the Spirit and a true forerunner in what the Father is doing in the earth right now.

Here is Part 2:


  • Ancient Pathways and Spiritual Technologies
  • Lucifer Misunderstanding: the misconception within the Christian community about the dragon known as lucifer, noting that he is a created, fallen being, not an anti-god. He cannot create but only steal, kill, and destroy.
  • Superiority of God’s Power: Biblical examples (Moses, Elijah, Daniel) demonstrate that God’s power is superior to counterfeits.
  • Christians can operate at a higher level of spiritual authority.
  • Maturity and Spiritual Authority: We must be mature in order to wield spiritual technologies responsibly.
  • The religious system keeps believers immature to control them, which hinders their spiritual growth and authority.
  • End Times Deception: Is it possible for the elect to be deceived?
  • Quantum Capacity and Spiritual Growth: helping business owners understand their inner world and build it on God’s truth and the importance of understanding how to operate from a heavenly perspective.
  • All Things Restored Ecclesia: opening people up to spiritual possibilities.
  • Transition in the Body of Christ: moving from the Piscean age to the Aquarian age, symbolizing an outpouring of God’s Spirit.
  • Crossing into the Promised Land: the Israelites ate both manna and the fruit of the land on the first day in the Promised Land, symbolizing the transition from old ways to new beginnings.
  • Embracing Humility and Trust as we transition from old securities to new unknowns and yield to inner transformation and governance for a new season.
  • Growing Up in Faith: saying “yes” to spiritual growth and trusting God’s plan for maturing believers, akin to Daniel in the Bible, demonstrating that God’s gifts surpass anything the devil can offer.
  • Collective Consciousness and Energy: everyone carries the life of God as energy, so it’s important to maintain hope and high frequency to counteract global fear and its effects on the earth’s energy. This will also lead to positive changes and the ability to govern effectively.
  • Priestly Function and Overshadowing: spreading our wings under God’s authority to protect and heal.
  • Shaking of the Earth: God is preparing to reveal His unshakable kingdom. Believers are called to take their place and bring light to areas previously dominated by darkness.
  • Kingdom Advancement: believers are stepping into their roles to enforce His rule of love, joy, and peace. This period of transition, although challenging, is seen as a time of great opportunity and glorification of the Lord.

This was SUCH a fun interview! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
Until next time,

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