Where Are You On Your Maturity Map?

Do you know where you are on your maturity map? Here’s a questionnaire that will help you assess your overall progress… not to cause you to feel ashamed, to strive or to perform, but to show you how to cooperate with God and even enjoy the specific classroom that you are in right now. Remember, God is your perfect Father. He is more concerned with your maturation and destiny than He is your comfort, therefore He has put you in the specific classroom that will help you grow. … Continue readingWhere Are You On Your Maturity Map?

The Gold and the Glory

I was walking with the Father and Enoch on the Ancient Paths, as I often do, but today it was golden… like the “yellow brick road.” I knew by the Spirit that it represented both the gold and the glory. The Father said, “It is your destiny to be a conduit of provision on the earth. Walk with Me on this path, child. Remember to walk in step with My rhythm.” As He said that, Wisdom appeared and began walking with us. Wisdom said, “Now that you have received my truth, Prudence will help you with the practical application. A good teacher always engages with both of us. I reveal the principle that, once mastered, can be used in different situations. Prudence reveals the practical application and the Divine strategy for implementation. Know that as soon as you are prepared to steward, your Father will pour out abundant blessings. He will open doors, establish connections and release opportunities.” … Continue readingThe Gold and the Glory

Living Out of Heaven, part 2

What we experience in the heavenly realm is real! And this reality manifests in the tangible, natural realm!! In this week’s video teaching, I’ll give you some Biblical, present day and personal examples of heaven manifesting in the earth and will share one of my earliest encounters in a heavenly counsel room that began with a crazy strategy and ended with a miraculous victory over a demonic assignment. If you are facing a situation that is “impossible” in the natural realm, rejoice. You have been chosen to not only overcome, but to be a demonstration of what it looks like to live from heaven and to be a channel of heaven’s limitless supply. You can’t be an overcomer without overcoming something, so just keep that YES in your heart and receive Divine grace to live from the heavenly realm. … Continue readingLiving Out of Heaven, part 2