Emotional Alignment

The renewing of the mind does require gentle and persistent co-laboring with God. But restoration and reprogramming of every layer of the soul is possible, and it is part of your spiritual maturation process. When you begin retraining your subconscious mind by governing your conscious mind, you and your world will be transformed. Everything changes!  … Continue readingEmotional Alignment

The Law Of Resonant Frequency

We know that the “double minded man” does not receive the things he requests from the Lord (James 1:8), but now you know why! Doublemindedness is a state of conflict between various parts of your being. Your thoughts create, your emotions create, and your words create, but when these areas are creating opposing things, you are literally fighting yourself, sabotaging your success. The solution is simple and clear: in order to manifest your miracle, you need to be in alignment with God and with yourself. I believe that the fragmentation of our minds happened at the fall and that the restoration purchased for us at the cross will allow us seamless access to 100% of our brain’s capacity. As maturing sons of God, we are growing into the stewardship of our renewed mind by understanding how these fragmented pieces function together and by learning how to govern, overshadow and restore them under the lordship of Christ. … Continue readingThe Law Of Resonant Frequency

The Fibonacci Spiral of Creation

Suddenly, I found myself standing before a Fibonacci spiral, which I later learned is called the “golden spiral.” It is created by drawing circular arcs connecting opposite corners of squares. The Fibonacci sequence can be found in every level of creation… from spiral galaxies to sea shells, and from Saturn to living cells. This mathematical equation is one where each new number is the sum of the two previous ones. In this sense, the new is continuously created from the old. Nothing is disconnected. Nothing is wasted. Nothing is ever lost. So, what I am co-creating with God now is the sum of everything I have done, everything I have failed to do, everything I have repented for, everything that He has redeemed and even the time which has passed. Each new day is nothing but an opportunity to create what exists only in the spiritual realm out of what has, up to this point, existed in the natural realm… even in the form of missed opportunities. The spiral only gets larger. In this way, every time an opportunity is missed, when it cycles back around, it is larger. There is no such thing as total loss except in the form of quitting. … Continue readingThe Fibonacci Spiral of Creation