Ruling and Reigning Through Righteous Judgment, part 4: Functioning as Elohim

WALKING THE ANCIENT PATHS, BEING IN CHARGE OF GOD’S COURTS, JUDGING THE WORLD AND THE ANGELS ARE ALL FUNCTIONS OF MATURE SONS, WHO HAVE DIED TO SELF AND FALSE JUDGMENT AND WHO CAN BE TRUSTED TO BEAR THE HEART OF GOD. What the Father has waiting for us is well worth the preparation! … Continue readingRuling and Reigning Through Righteous Judgment, part 4: Functioning as Elohim

Faith: Your Co-Creating Substance

Have you cried out for the supernatural and are now finding yourself in a situation which demands it? If so, it is probably by Divine design and is aimed at motivating you and teaching you how to co-create with your Creator. We see from Hebrews 11:3 that the visible was made out of the invisible by the word of God. The visible is merely a manifestation of the invisible! Faith is the life and frequency of God which causes the illusion of this temporal realm to bow to His lordship, His will and His word. It is through faith that we overcome the illusion of this temporal world (this dimension) and all its limitations. It is through faith that we overcome doubt, unbelief, fear, lies, limitation, “impossibility” and all that which is contrary to the greatness of God’s promises to us. … Continue readingFaith: Your Co-Creating Substance