Four Levels of Creation

Co-creating with God is not creating something out of nothing. It is simply bringing back things from another dimension. And science has some interesting things to say about that! Don Lincoln of Fermilab Today writes:

Even though in classical physics we are taught that energy is conserved, which means it cannot change, one of the tenets of quantum mechanics says that energy doesn’t have to be conserved if the change happens for a short enough time. So even if space had zero energy, it would be perfectly OK for a little energy to pop into existence for a tiny split second and then disappear—and that’s what happens in empty space. And since energy and matter are the same (thank Einstein for teaching us that E=mc2 thing), matter can also appear and disappear. And this appears everywhere. At the quantum level, matter and antimatter particles are constantly popping into existence and popping back out, with an electron-positron pair here and a top quark-antiquark pair there. This behavior is the reason that scientists call these ephemeral particles “quantum foam”: It’s similar to how bubbles in foam form and then pop.

In other words, matter is constantly popping in and out of “existence,” or maybe just in and out of this earth-time dimension. Kind of sounds like Enoch to me… Perhaps his times of flickering out just became longer and longer until he… was not.

Several years ago, I entered a “co-creation classroom” in the heavenly realm that felt like the middle of a whirlwind. The wind was so fierce that it created a visual static that felt electric. Things like body parts began manifesting in the wind, flickering in and out. What I learned in this classroom was that, as I flicker in and out of different realms and dimensions, I can connect with things that are needed and bring them back. It seems to be “creating” something out of nothing, but it is simply bringing what exists in another dimension back into the earthly, temporal dimension. Remember… You are a multidimensional being. Becoming conscious of different dimensions will allow you to bring things back with you. Everything you could ever need exists in its entirety in the heavenly realm.

In Biblical symbolism, the number 4 represents creation and creativity. And in Hebraic thought, the name of God is the foundation for a 4-step process of creation.

Everyone who is called by My name, whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him. –Isaiah 43:7, NKJV

The creative process outlined in this Scripture starts with glory, which, of course, represents the presence of God and is referred to as emanation (atziluth). Next, we have creation (beriah) and then formation (yetzirah). Finally, the word made speaks of action (asiyah) or manifestation. Putting this together with the name of God and with the creative process I’ve mentioned before, we have:

Y: Essence – Father/thought – Face of the Lion – Fire
H: Creation – Holy Spirit/emotion – Face of the Eagle – Air
V: Formation – Yeshua/word – Face of the Ox – Water
H: Manifestation – us/body – Face of the Man – Earth

A few weeks ago, you learned from Psalm 24 that we, as living gateways, seek the face of the God of Jacob. But did you know that in that passage, the word “face” is actually plural? We literally seek the faces of God! Perhaps, the four living beings around the throne are merely reflecting the One they are beholding…

Four Living Beings, dotted front and back with eyes, stood at the throne’s four sides. The first of these Living Beings was in the form of a lion; the second looked like an ox; the third had the face of a man; and the fourth, the form of an eagle, with wings spread out as though in flight. Each of these Living Beings had six wings, and the central sections of their wings were covered with eyes. Day after day and night after night they kept on saying, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty — the one who was, and is, and is to come.” –Revelation 4:6-8, TLB

What does this all mean to you? God is inviting you to get to know Him, in all His aspects (faces). Every nuance of His being creates something deep within you, something that He wants manifested in the earth through you. Can you hear the yearning of your Creator, your God… Come, create with Me!

This is an excerpt from my book, Miracles Are Normal: Co-Creating Through Oneness With God. You can purchase paperback or digital copies from my website here: Miracles Are Normal. And you can purchase from Amazon here: Miracles Are Normal on Amazon

Happy creating!

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