Money & Ruling Cities

In last week’s post we talked about overshadowing, and you now know that you can spread your spirit-wings over the geographical earth to transform it. One of the most powerful vehicles of external agreement for that terraforming process is material wealth. Material abundance is a manifestation of an internal sense of limitlessness, and good stewardship of material resources is directly connected to ever-expanding dominion, including ruling cities.

Luke 19 tells the parable of a wealthy prince who, in preparing to travel to a distant land, divided ten minas among ten servants, giving each of them about 3 month’s wages and instructing them to steward his wealth while he was gone. He was crowned king, returned and summoned his servants to see how much each one had earned. The first servant multiplied his money ten times and, because of his good stewardship, was rewarded with authority over ten cities. The second multiplied his money five times and was rewarded with authority over five cities. The third servant kept his master’s money safe but did not multiply it. We know the story… He was rebuked and his money was given to the servant who had gained the most. Here we see that good stewardship equals multiplication. We also see, in a literal sense, that stewardship of material resources is directly connected to ruling cities.

In a recent post, I shared how the Father is challenging our ecclesia to recreate our literal, geographical cityscape with our God-dreams and with our words. But that is just the beginning. The spiritual will become tangible through God’s trusted servants who actually possess the wealth, power and influence to materialize His desires for our region. The Father is looking for ones who have been good stewards of material wealth to now steward cities, regions and nations. This is just another way to make the spiritual tangible.

Right now, you might be focused on a miracle that seems relatively small compared to literal rulership over a geographical area, but know that, as you learn and practice the pathway for manifestation, your miracle and your sphere of influence will expand. It’s all about increase!

One day, I was walking with the Father and Enoch on the Ancient Paths, and Wisdom joined us. She said:

Unending wealth and glory come to those who discover where I dwell. The riches of righteousness and a long, satisfying life will be given to them. –Proverbs 8:18, TPT

I knew immediately that she was offering me an invitation to discover her dwelling place and to reap the benefits of that discovery…

I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.
–Proverbs 8:12, KJV

Holy Spirit began to show me that Wisdom is primarily intuitive reason, whereas Prudence is the practical outworking of that reason. The word “prudence” comes from a contracted form of the Latin word providens, which means, “to foresee.” So, Prudence is wise and careful management of practical matters, specifically in terms of looking and planning ahead. A good example of prudence would be checking your bank account before you spend money.

I began to see that the knowledge of witty inventions mentioned in Proverbs 8:12 has to do with Prudence’s plans. Wisdom perceives and Prudence carefully foresees, executing the practical outworking of Wisdom in the form of plans and Divine strategies. This is particularly applicable to the management of money and material resources. Wisdom is not manifested without the practical outworking of Prudence. They must dwell together.

Back on the Ancient Paths, Prudence joined us. She resembled Wisdom in her beautifully sculptured and flawless facial features, but her hair was more auburn in color, whereas Wisdom’s hair appeared more of a dark brown. I could tell they were comrades, dear friends, coworkers and playmates. They were focused, but in a very lighthearted way. They were not taking their assignments lightly but were simply having fun doing them… just like the narrative described in Proverbs 8:30, when Wisdom danced, played and rejoiced as she
co-created with God in the beginning. They smiled at each other and at all of us, bubbling over with so much joy, as they handed a golden baton back and forth. Wisdom would do her part and then would hand the baton to Prudence for her precise execution. Then they looked at the Father and Enoch with a look of mutual understanding. Laughing, Wisdom grabbed me by my left arm and Prudence by my right and, in an instant, we were in a counsel room filled with gold. There was a rectangular counsel table like I usually see in heavenly counsel rooms, but the entire room was filled with gold… gold coins all over the table, chairs and the floor, gold bars stacked up in huge piles, black velvet sacks of gold, gold nuggets scattered throughout. I sat down at the table, along with twelve angels who had been sent specifically for this assignment. Wisdom and Prudence stood behind me and removed from my shoulders a garment of naivety I didn’t even realize I was wearing. They then placed upon me a velvet-looking, gold mantle of shrewdness that they said would be necessary for my next assignment and that would enable me to be a better steward of both heavenly and earthly resources.

Listen carefully: I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; so be wise as serpents, and innocent as doves [have no self-serving agenda]. –Matthew 10:16, AMP

In this passage, the word wise is Strong’s #G5429, which is translated as “wise, shrewd and…prudent”!

They then took from my eyes “rose colored glasses” that I also didn’t realize I was wearing, and they placed on me multicolored glasses that represented the multidimensional, multifaceted Wisdom of God. Using these glasses, I would be able to discern correctly and to invest rather than squander.

So now through the church the multifaceted wisdom of God [in all its countless aspects] might now be made known [revealing the mystery] to the [angelic] rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. –Ephesians 3:10, AMP

Prudence gave me a scroll to eat that was both a map and a detailed, step by step strategy that would work its way out into my mind as I was ready. Wisdom and Prudence, as one, then said:

Don’t shrink back from thinking and planning ahead. You are becoming skilled at using your thoughts, feelings, words and imagination to create. In this way, your “prudence”will be going before you to prepare the way by creating the way.

Next week, we’ll talk more about stewardship, and you’ll learn the four basic choices that you have concerning your resources (time, money, energy, affection, revelation, talents and spiritual gifts).

This is an excerpt from my book, Miracles Are Normal: Co-Creating Through Oneness With God. You can purchase paperback or digital copies from my website here: Miracles Are Normal. And you can purchase from Amazon here: Miracles Are Normal on Amazon

Happy stewarding!

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