Guarding Cities

Throughout the centuries, there have been numerous accounts of Christian mystics who left their bodies, levitated, bi-located, transported, and experienced other unusual supernatural phenomena. Most left only folklore or perhaps letters to validate their experiences. The common denominator between all of them is a life of humility, sacrifice, servitude, selflessness, and radical devotion to God, so, for obvious reasons, most did not desire to be known for these experiences. Many were even ridiculed or persecuted for them.

One person whose experiences were well-documented is Padre Pio, an Italian friar, priest, and mystic who lived from 1887 to 1968. God trusted Padre Pio with all kinds of miraculous experiences, one of which earned him the title “the flying monk.”

Padre Pio lived in a monastery in San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy during World War II. The town was a target for Allied troops because of a stash of German munitions nearby, but when the people were warned to leave, Padre Pio gave them his word that the town would not be bombed. And he kept his word!

On many occasions, Allied planes sent to bomb the area experienced mysterious malfunctions or mechanical failures. There were also numerous reports from Allied pilots that they were stopped midair by a monk who flew directly in front of them with his arms extended. This happened so many times that General Nathan F. Twining decided to lead the next bombing squad himself to investigate. He really didn’t believe the men and honestly thought they were seeing things. But sure enough, he wrote in a later eyewitness report, as they approached the monastery in San Giovanni Rotondo, a monk appeared in the clouds right in front of his plane, flying at the same speed. The monk extended his hands, and the bomb doors on every plane opened, causing the bombs to fall into the open fields below. Then the planes turned around by themselves. After the war, General Twining went to meet Padre Pio, and they ended up becoming good friends.

Padre Pio demonstrated for us all the authority that sons of God and friends of God have been given on the earth. And he demonstrated powerfully that, in Christ, we need not be limited by the confines of our earth suits or this natural realm.

Guarding our cities is exactly what the sons of God are to be doing right now! Like the Roman Centurion, we are under authority and in authority. We are fully submitted to God, listening for His plan. And we execute that plan as we walk in dominion over the weather, over political upheaval, over famine and economic hardship, and over every device of the enemy.

In Elisha’s day, the king of Syria declared war against Israel. But every time he set up camp to attack them, Elisha would warn the king of Israel, and they would avoid the trap. This happened so many times, the king of Syria became infuriated, thinking there was a spy among them. He called his servants together to help him identify the traitor…

One of his servants said, “None [of us is helping him], my lord, O king; but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom.” -II Kings 6:12, AMP

Today, I decree and declare a shift. The sons of God are no longer asleep. We are no longer on the defensive. We are proactively advancing the kingdom and outmaneuvering the plans of evil earth-kings who seek to oppress mankind. We are the head and not the tail. Let’s stand in our authority over destruction, not only regarding this storm that has been sent to the west coast of Florida, USA , but all over the globe. We will hear, expose, and dismantle every wicked plan and all ungodly technology connected to it, in Jesus’ name.

We’re not limited to the confines of our earth-suits, so join me in releasing the angels and in standing guard over Tampa, St. Petersburg and all of Florida. And let us remain diligent, always attentive to spy on the enemy’s plans… and destroy them.

It’s a glorious time to be alive!

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