Recently while praying in the Spirit, I heard the words, “governance, governance.” I looked it up and discovered that:
“Governance encompasses the system by which an organization is controlled and operates, and the mechanisms by which it, and its people, are held to account.”
As God’s sons mature, we are beginning to understand that we are to govern from heaven to earth. But governance involves the WAY we govern and the creation of SYSTEMS (new wineskins) through which His dominion is exercised in creation.
Holy Spirit then reminded me of something Wisdom and Understanding had spoken to me a few weeks earlier:
“In past seasons, you have ministered directly to the needs of others, whether physical or of the soul or of the spirit. In this season; however, you will govern atmospheres, regions and territories, which will, in turn, automatically affect the people within them. It is still work, but this work is done in the Secret Place, where you will finally know the light and easy yoke the Master spoke of. And the fruit! You will say, ‘I was born for this!’ You will be unmoved by the natural realm or by the whims of others. You will govern the seen realm and will see that you are not affected by it unless you choose to be. And you will have much fruit to place at His feet.”
This speaks of the process of growth and maturity, of going from 30-fold to 60-fold to 100-fold fruit. It is the progression from outer court, to inner court to holy of holies. The Father is pleased with us wherever we are, as long as our hearts are fully His. But with every step of growth, He will prune us, so that we produce more fruit.
One thing I saw so clearly in this encounter was that, as we journey into the Holy of Holies, we do not neglect the outer and inner courts, because we must pass through them to get there. The Holy of Holies is really the depths of the Father’s infinite heart, and as such, it encompasses everything else, sucking all things into itself, like a black hole. So we do not neglect the needs of others. Rather we are able to meet them in an accelerated and more effective way.
Yeshua, of course, said it best:
Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.
-Matthew 11:28-30, MSG
So, just say yes to the dismantling of your old wineskins, no matter how unsettling or uncomfortable it may be. Step into the new. Swim in the ocean of His beautiful heart today, allowing yourself to be swept into His infinite love for you. And from that place, you will see multiplied fruit. And you will know by experience His yoke that is easy and His burden that is light.
This is truly an amazing time to be alive!