The school of this season seems to be that of walking in dominion, taking authority over all that has been entrusted to me by the Father. It is about learning to co-rule and co-reign with Christ and about gaining the strength to be proactive rather than passive.
During a time of worship, I was encountering repeating cycles of Lion, Eagle, Ox, Man… Then the Lion of Judah showed up and roared over me, imparting His lion nature and the strength to rule and reign. Suddenly, I was on my mountain wearing my queen’s garment. My head was the head of the Lion, and I roared fiercely. Truly, He had imparted to me His nature, and things have never been the same. Things which once took great effort flow freely, as I become more and more comfortable with my true nature, His nature…. the Lion nature of God.
So today, behold your King, with His many faces. Lock eyes with the Lion and breathe in His strength, His dignity, His effortless dominion. Exhale small thinking and fear. Because of the Cross and because of His blood, you are one with the One who rules over all. Under His shadow and in His name, today, you shall have dominion.
What are you roaring over today?