Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man

I was standing before the Beautiful One. His face was flashing “Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man,” as shafts of light and lightning bolts shot from His faces. His eyes flickered between blazing fire and an infinite sea of stars and galaxies. As I gazed into His eyes, I became entrained in His rhythm… so gentle, so strong. I began to notice that my face was mirroring His image: Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man. … Continue readingLion, Ox, Eagle, Man

Emotional Alignment

The renewing of the mind does require gentle and persistent co-laboring with God. But restoration and reprogramming of every layer of the soul is possible, and it is part of your spiritual maturation process. When you begin retraining your subconscious mind by governing your conscious mind, you and your world will be transformed. Everything changes!  … Continue readingEmotional Alignment