Resplendent Beauty

I don’t know about you, but I am having a glorious first week of Elul. I worked super hard beforehand to make sure I would be able to carve out some extra time to walk with the King in the field. Already I am feeling refreshed and refilled. And as I read through my Elul journals from years gone by, I have found some real treasures. One was a destiny dream from 20 years ago that I had forgotten all about. As I read it, I realized that I actually stepped into it just a few weeks ago!

I’m making notes of the things Holy Spirit is gently nudging me to let go of. I’m also writing down those things I desire to manifest in this next season. As I say NO, I am picturing Yeshua and I plucking tares from the field of my life. As I say YES, we are planting precious seeds of the Father’s desires for me.

This morning, I prayed that each of you would experience that same grace to break free of all that binds, to redeem all that has been lost (including time), and to accelerate into the fullness of your destiny. Sometimes, familiarity causes us to not discern clearly which things in our lives are too small, but the fiery heart of God always knows, sees, reveals and frees.

Today I want to bless you with a free song called Resplendent Beauty, which is an invitation for the Flame of Yahweh to reveal and burn away everything less than His passionate, limitless desires for you.

The free download will be available through August 30th. To access it, click HERE.
Resplendent Beauty is from the album Awe and Wonder. To purchase full album, click HERE.
To enjoy on YouTube, click HERE.

Until next time,

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