Be Where You Are Called

BE WHERE YOU ARE CALLED!  In this season, there is Divine grace for proper alignment, so it is a good time to inquire of the Lord about where you are called to be… geographical location, local ecclesia (church), job, etc.  Are you joined to the community that has been assigned to you by the Father?  I continue to be amazed at the many people who make decisions without even inquiring of the Lord.  They choose their local ecclesia/community based on convenience, ease, comfort or popularity.  Ask the Lord where you are assigned and what your assignment is to be, and then remain in that assignment – no matter what – until He reassigns you.  Remember, a 100-fold harvest never comes quickly and easily.  And the resistance to that harvest is what prepares you to steward it when it comes.

So, inquire of the Lord and then lock in where He assigns you.  If you have veered off course or grown slack, renew your commitment to the places the Father has planted you.

In this season, there is also a grace for realignment, so do not stay somewhere God doesn’t want you because of friends or family, or because of obligation, apathy, false guilt or false responsibility.  Do not be afraid to let go of relationships that are not God-ordained.  Don’t “settle.”  Trust the Father to take care of you and also those you care about .  And remember that “good” is often the enemy of “God.”

If you are a leader, utilize the abundant grace of this season to call in the right people and to release all others into their destiny.  As hard as it is to pour into people and then see them leave, remember that, in the Kingdom, you can sow in one field and reap in another.  And each time you release and bless one of these precious seeds sincerely from your heart, you are making room for a harvest, because the Father sees that you are one He can trust with His children.  So receive this abundant grace for transition.

Say NO to being where you are not supposed to be and YES to being rightly aligned in every area.

1 Reply to “Be Where You Are Called”

  1. BE WHERE YOU ARE CALLED! In this season, there is Divine grace for proper alignment, so it is a good time to inquire of the Lord about where you are called to be… geographical location, local ecclesia (church), job, etc. Are you joined to the community that has been assigned to you by the Father?

    These are the questions I have been asking the Father for the last year. Cocoa Beach is a unique community and we have not found any like minded believers. At my age I want the deeper things of God for me and my family. I know he hears me just can seem to hear him talking to me.

    I enjoy listening online as I learn more…..Please pray for my hearing to increase and dreams and visions too!!

    Love to you and Sean and hope Jacksonville is enjoying having you there!

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