Becoming Formless & Void

I recently did an interview with my very dear friend, Bralynn Newby. It was the 200th episode of her Spirit-Centered Business podcast, and I think you’ll really enjoy it. Bralynn has a unique and amazing anointing to build business by the Spirit, so if you are not already familiar with her, you’re in for a treat.


  • The Concept of Being Overshadowed: Mary’s song in Luke 1 reveals overshadowing and alignment with Divine purpose.
  • The Creative Process involves receiving inspiration and then working it out through intentional practice.
  • Transformation through Overshadowing: Overshadowing involves the Holy Spirit displacing negativity with supernatural life, similar to the process of transformation at the cross.
  • Classroom Analogies: Spiritual “classrooms” represent different stages of spiritual growth and learning, including the “king’s classroom” and “co-creation classroom.”
  • Tohu wa-Bohu: This Hebrew term for “formless and void” in Genesis 1 is a place of spiritual preparation and creation.
  • Surrender and Trust: Absolute surrender and trust in God overcomes the innate mistrust of human nature.
  • Maturity Map: 1 John 2 is a guide for spiritual maturity, involving stages from child to young man to father.
  • Transformation and Growth: Overshadowing relates to personal transformation, from spiritual rebirth to physical transfiguration, and pulling from eternity.
  • Role of Yielding: Yielding to God’s transformative work allows Him to cultivate trust and faithfulness in believers.
  • Continuous Growth: The ongoing process of stepping beyond comfort zones and experiencing God’s faithfulness is a part of spiritual growth.
  • Overshadowing appears throughout the Bible, from Genesis to the New Testament.
    • Genesis and Creation: The overshadowing theme begins with Genesis, where it symbolizes the Divine influence in creation.
    • Exodus 34: God’s overshadowing presence during Moses’ encounter on Mount Sinai is a portal to the heavenly realm and the beginning of the old covenant.
    • Psalm 91: The benefits of being under the shadow of God’s wings include protection, Divine care, and healing.
    • Mary’s Conception: The overshadowing of Mary by the Holy Spirit as described in Luke 1:35 led to the miraculous birth of Jesus.
    • Jesus’ Transfiguration: Jesus’ transfiguration on the mount, where a bright cloud overshadowed them was a significant event showing Divine approval and revelation.
    • Acts 5:15: The reference to Peter’s shadow healing the sick is an example of Divine power overshadowing through Peter.
  • Gideon’s Story: The analogy of Gideon’s clay vessel and the light shining through it is a metaphor for breaking open the flesh to reveal the light of our spirit’s oneness with God.
  • Christianity vs. Other Religions: The discussion touches on the difference between Christianity and other religions, emphasizing relationship over ritualistic practices.
  • Tree of Life vs. Tree of Knowledge: The contrast between the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil shows how Christ offers a different approach to understanding and living.
  • Mature Judgment: Mature sons of God are called to distinguish between false and true judgment and between good and evil.
  • False Judgment: False judgment can arise from immaturity and separation from God, contrasted with the true judgment that comes from oneness with God.

I hope you enjoy this fun time with my friend!
Until next time,

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