The Shoulders of the Priests

When David brought the ark into Jerusalem, they worshipped in abandon, but they did not consult the Lord about “the proper order” (I Chronicles 15:13), and God killed Uzza when he reached out to steady the ox cart. David bringing the ark into Jerusalem was a picture of Israel crossing the Jordan, and the proper order was for the ark to be carried on the shoulders of the priests. The oxen stumbled, and the cart was man-made. But when the priests stepped in, the waters parted (the miraculous), and then the people were able to come and to cross over.  

Oxen would have never stepped into the Jordan River, overflowing its banks, roaring at flood stage, because that required raw faith and sheer obedience. Oxen would have instinctively taken the route of safety. And the man-made ox cart would have been carried away in the current and destroyed.   

As sons of God, we are “priests after the order of Melchezidek,” so we worship from the heavenly realm, carrying the presence of God on our shoulders into the earth realm. We step into the roaring river of His Justice, and the miraculous follows in our wake.


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