Maintaining A Life Of Glory

Have you ever experienced the glory of God when He did a new thing in your life, only to feel like it gradually faded away? Did you know that this is a pattern we also see in the Bible and throughout church history.

In this teaching, you will learn how to live a life of ever-increasing glory… pursuing God into new territory while simultaneously stewarding the things He has already given you to steward. … Continue readingMaintaining A Life Of Glory

Transfiguration & Freebie

Remember, Jesus is an example OF us, so transfiguration is where we’re going. And it is for you! We once bore the image of the earth-man, Adam, but now we bear the likeness of the heavenly man, Christ… including His resurrected, glorified body. 

But we are a colony of heaven on earth as we cling tightly to our life-giver, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our humble bodies and transfigure us into the identical likeness of his glorified body…
-Philippians 3:20-21, TPT … Continue readingTransfiguration & Freebie


When we are marked by the 4 faces (Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man), the elements of fire, earth, wind and water make themselves available to us to serve us as we serve God. They become the raw materials with which we co-create with the Father. “Terraforming” is causing earth to reflect heaven. And we do this as we function in the Melchizedek Priesthood from heaven to earth, wearing these 4 faces, led by Holy Spirit. THIS is how we co-create with God to make the spiritual tangible. And THIS is how we usher in HIS REIGN OF SHALOM! … Continue readingTerraforming