Kingdom Strategy That Changes Everything

STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW! Take 1 minute to set a daily alarm on your phone at whatever time Holy Spirit leads you. When it goes off each day, take 1 minute to turn your attention to the heavens where you are seated in Christ. And then with intent, using your unique voiceprint, release TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS & JUSTICE into the earth. Spread the word to everyone you know who is willing to do this one small thing. And let’s watch with expectancy to see what the Father will do with our obedience. His kingdom is advancing! … Continue readingKingdom Strategy That Changes Everything

Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man

I was standing before the Beautiful One. His face was flashing “Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man,” as shafts of light and lightning bolts shot from His faces. His eyes flickered between blazing fire and an infinite sea of stars and galaxies. As I gazed into His eyes, I became entrained in His rhythm… so gentle, so strong. I began to notice that my face was mirroring His image: Lion, Ox, Eagle, Man. … Continue readingLion, Ox, Eagle, Man

Birthing the Sons: Revelation 12

You may remember the configuration of stars that, on September 23, 2017, pictured Revelation 12. In this passage and in the stars, we see that the woman (Israel) gave birth to a Son (Christ). And the woman in the wilderness of transition (the church) gives birth to the sons of God, of whom Jesus is the Firstborn. And the job of the dragon (leviathan) is to devour the seed. But we see from Isaiah 27 that, when God arises on our behalf and defeats him, fruitfulness will come and sons will be birthed in the earth. … Continue readingBirthing the Sons: Revelation 12