Emotional Alignment

The renewing of the mind does require gentle and persistent co-laboring with God. But restoration and reprogramming of every layer of the soul is possible, and it is part of your spiritual maturation process. When you begin retraining your subconscious mind by governing your conscious mind, you and your world will be transformed. Everything changes!  … Continue readingEmotional Alignment

Multiplicity & Jumpstart Update

Perhaps you, too, feel overwhelmed with too many things clamoring for your time and attention. Maybe you have felt scattered, like you’re doing so many things that you’re not doing anything well. Maybe you have even felt a bit of confusion in your time with the Lord, because there are so many different things to do and to practice and so many different places to go and things to engage with in the Spirit. Like me, maybe you have been trying to maintain all these natural responsibilities and spiritual disciplines out of singularity instead of realizing that, in Christ, you are multidimensional.  … Continue readingMultiplicity & Jumpstart Update

Faces to Faces, Breath to Breath

I saw Ruach breathing His breath through us. It came forth like ocean waves, like contractions birthing a Secret Place, sonship prayer movement in the earth – a movement that changes everything! Then these heart-breathings began rotating: the breath of the Lion, the breath of the Ox, the breath of the Eagle, the breath of the Man… over and over and over, around and around. His breath through our breath breathed into the earth realm and into the expanse, filling all things with Himself. It was breathing life into created creation, just as He breathed life into Adam “in the beginning.” These breath-contractions caused creation to expand faster than the speed of light. I then … Continue readingFaces to Faces, Breath to Breath

Living Out of Heaven, part 1

We are not human beings who have spiritual experiences. We are spirit beings having a human experience. The supernatural feels more natural than we think because it is our natural state. This is why Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU” We are learning to be who we really are. We are learning to live out of that place where we are seated with Christ in heavenly dimensions. We rule and reign from heaven into the earth, not the other way around. As spirit beings, we are not subject to the limitations of this physical realm. … Continue readingLiving Out of Heaven, part 1