Faces to Faces, Breath to Breath

I saw Ruach breathing His breath through us. It came forth like ocean waves, like contractions birthing a Secret Place, sonship prayer movement in the earth – a movement that changes everything! Then these heart-breathings began rotating: the breath of the Lion, the breath of the Ox, the breath of the Eagle, the breath of the Man… over and over and over, around and around. His breath through our breath breathed into the earth realm and into the expanse, filling all things with Himself. It was breathing life into created creation, just as He breathed life into Adam “in the beginning.” These breath-contractions caused creation to expand faster than the speed of light. I then … Continue readingFaces to Faces, Breath to Breath

Jumpstart 2023

Since 2018, I have done early morning prayer and encounter times with other believers for the first 30 days of the new calendar year. These times have been rich in God’s presence and revelation and have provided both a spiritual jumpstart and spiritual blueprints for the days ahead. This year, I felt impressed to expand via Zoom to include you! … Continue readingJumpstart 2023