Birthing the Sons: Revelation 12

You may remember the configuration of stars that, on September 23, 2017, pictured Revelation 12. In this passage and in the stars, we see that the woman (Israel) gave birth to a Son (Christ). And the woman in the wilderness of transition (the church) gives birth to the sons of God, of whom Jesus is the Firstborn. And the job of the dragon (leviathan) is to devour the seed. But we see from Isaiah 27 that, when God arises on our behalf and defeats him, fruitfulness will come and sons will be birthed in the earth. … Continue readingBirthing the Sons: Revelation 12

The Counsel Rooms of Heaven

Have you ever felt that you were in an impossible situation or that you were facing a problem that had no solution? We often FEEL that way on planet earth. But as born-from-above sons of God, we have access to the resources of the heavenly realm, so there are no impossible situations or unsolvable problems for us. Answers that elude us here are clear and readily available in our heavenly home. When Yeshua’s flesh was torn, the veil was torn from top to bottom, and now there is no separation between us and the Father or between earth and heaven.

In the heavenly realm, there are counsel chambers – literal counsel rooms where there are Divine solutions, blueprints, answers, creativity, witty inventions, resources and ideas. Everything that we need to live the victorious Christian life and to govern the earth realm is waiting for us there. … Continue readingThe Counsel Rooms of Heaven