Faces to Faces, Breath to Breath

I saw Ruach breathing His breath through us. It came forth like ocean waves, like contractions birthing a Secret Place, sonship prayer movement in the earth – a movement that changes everything! Then these heart-breathings began rotating: the breath of the Lion, the breath of the Ox, the breath of the Eagle, the breath of the Man… over and over and over, around and around. His breath through our breath breathed into the earth realm and into the expanse, filling all things with Himself. It was breathing life into created creation, just as He breathed life into Adam “in the beginning.” These breath-contractions caused creation to expand faster than the speed of light. I then … Continue readingFaces to Faces, Breath to Breath

Leveraging Your Suffering

God is never the author of evil. It is our adversary who seeks to “steal, kill and destroy.” Our Father DOES, however, give us opportunities to OVERCOME evil, knowing that suffering produces a brokenness and humility in us that nothing else can accomplish. This brokenness doesn’t earn His blessing, but, if we respond correctly, it does serve to break the dominion of the flesh, which, in turn, allows us to receive and steward the blessings He is constantly pouring out. This is why God loves a broken and contrite spirit. … Continue readingLeveraging Your Suffering

The Old is the Womb of the New

Hold fast to eternal principles, let external expressions of those principles go and lean on the Spirit of Truth to help you discern which is which. Viewing what we are doing (and not doing) within the framework of transition has helped us to understand that transition is actually a rapid series of births and deaths, ultimately leading to a completely new wineskin which He can then fill. … Continue readingThe Old is the Womb of the New