Kingdom Strategy That Changes Everything

STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW! Take 1 minute to set a daily alarm on your phone at whatever time Holy Spirit leads you. When it goes off each day, take 1 minute to turn your attention to the heavens where you are seated in Christ. And then with intent, using your unique voiceprint, release TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS & JUSTICE into the earth. Spread the word to everyone you know who is willing to do this one small thing. And let’s watch with expectancy to see what the Father will do with our obedience. His kingdom is advancing! … Continue readingKingdom Strategy That Changes Everything

The Highest Trade

I saw a portal opening up to us and knew by the Spirit that it was the Beauty Realm of God. In this realm, all eyes are upon Him, and all hearts are captured by Him. In the midst of the light and misty glory that was pouring through this open door, I saw silhouetted figures emerging, and I knew by the Spirit that they were those who were literally laying down their lives in martyrdom for Christ. 
It was the face of the Ox that manifested in our midst. The Ox is the beast of burden and the sacrificial animal…. and the fire came to consume the sacrifice. Because Holy Spirit had allowed us to partake of the martyr’s sacrifice and, in a sense, have it credited to our spiritual account, we now have a sacrifice that, along with the blood of the Lamb, trumps any evil sacrifice. … Continue readingThe Highest Trade