26 Replies to “truth”

  1. This is something I need help with! I grew up in church, graduated from a Christian school & am finding out some of the things I have been taught were used out of context! How do I learn the Truth!?

  2. Hi Virginia,

    I want you to know that your teaching is like fresh water to some very dry bones. I’ve been really going through a dry, parched time and this teaching and the True VS Truth has really reignited a hunger for God’s Supernatural Kingdom adventures! I was in Orlando for a brief time and attended BBI. It was a true blessing. I had no idea that you were just really starting out as a worship leader as it just didn’t show–at least to me. I really miss those times, but I know I need to let go of the past and move forward into new adventures. Your spiritual growth & maturity shined a light on the fact that I kinda got stuck in my growth and definitely need to redeem some time! I think I just got disappointed & my hope was deferred that though I had some dreams, I just wasn’t seeing in the Spirit the way most of you were. I sense things more than anything and it can be frustrating to learn accuracy in that. Thanks for making your teachings available online. Wish I could visit you and your husband’s ministry, but since it’s not that close to South Carolina, it may be awhile before it happens. I look forward to keeping up with your website and ministry online!

    Blessings, Tina

  3. I love this CD. I especially love the title track. I asked for the most “soaky” CD and this was recommended. It is soothing, allows you to sing along if you want, is highly anointed and doesn’t get old. Feel Holy Spirit brood over you as you listen.

  4. Love this opportunity to not only enjoy Brad’s music but to also support his family as they move forward without him. Thank you, Virginia! May the Lord return to you a hundredfold blessing!

  5. Virginia, thank you SO much for your post about breaking cycles! I couldn’t figure out why this time of year always seems to be so chaotic for me and now it makes perfect sense! Now I can cooperate instead of fighting it!! Goodness, I have SUCH an American mentality! BUT I’m getting better and growing up!!

    Mary Frances Holland

  6. BE WHERE YOU ARE CALLED! In this season, there is Divine grace for proper alignment, so it is a good time to inquire of the Lord about where you are called to be… geographical location, local ecclesia (church), job, etc. Are you joined to the community that has been assigned to you by the Father?

    These are the questions I have been asking the Father for the last year. Cocoa Beach is a unique community and we have not found any like minded believers. At my age I want the deeper things of God for me and my family. I know he hears me just can seem to hear him talking to me.

    I enjoy listening online as I learn more…..Please pray for my hearing to increase and dreams and visions too!!

    Love to you and Sean and hope Jacksonville is enjoying having you there!

  7. You are just wonderful! I love your passion for the Lord and the worship you produce to glorify THEM. Father, I decree the blessings, favor and Shalom of God over her family and ministry to spread her gift to the far reaches of the earth as it permeates the atmosphere bringing in heaven and destroying hell. Whoooohoooo! Thank you sweet Jesus. Amen.
    I met you at Kat’s conference in 2014 & 15. You are a FIRESTARTER.
    Much love to you and your husband,
    B.Joy Elder

  8. Everything that you have been sharing Virginia, resonates with me as I listen to God’s heart. I would love to participate tonight but I have to work. I really don’t want to miss the details that you will share. Could the zoom call be recorded and posted again at a different time so that myself and others can get the information? Thank you for your ministry. You have a lot of wisdom and revelation to share that is encouraging!

  9. Hi Denise, I’m just now seeing your message. So sorry. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. Hopefully by now, you have found the recording on my facebook page. Love and abundant blessings to you! -Virginia

  10. Thanks for all you do for the body, I receive you as a gift that you are from the lord. Stay fresh ma’am

  11. Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words! Abundant and overflowing blessings to you in your pursuit of the One! 🙂

  12. Hello and God bless! I just purchased a song for .99 through PayPal…not even sure of the title. Nothing popped up allowing me to download. Did I do something wrong? Please email me at the address on my account.

  13. Hi Mary,

    I see that you ordered the song Release the Cries. You should have received an email with the link to your download. Please check your spam folder. If it’s not in there, let me know, and I’ll figure out how to get your song to you.

  14. Hi Mary,

    Just wanted to check in again, to see if you were able to access your music.

  15. Hello, I receive your emails and was hoping to find a listing of all your blog posts but when I click on “blog” it brings me to https:virginiakillingsworth.com/blog/ but the page is empty. The bottom of the page, in the black section, says “Page not found”.

    Is there somewhere listing all your blog posts so that I can read through ones from before I discovered your site? Thank you so very much!

  16. Hello Kayleen,

    You are so right that it does that. It must have just happened with the latest WordPress update, and I will fix it.

    But all you need to do to find all the blog posts is to stay on the main home page: http://www.virginiakillingsworth.com
    They are all listed on that page under “news.”

    So sorry about that. And thanks for letting me know.

  17. Hello,
    My name is Ann Hutson.
    I’m from SC.
    Can I join the jumpstart now?

    And when will your miracles are normal class start again?

  18. Hi Ann,

    I’m SO sorry! I am just now seeing this message!!!!

    We’re not praying everyday anymore, but we do Tuesday mornings at 6:00 am EST. Here’s the Zoom link:
    Sean Killingsworth is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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