
Ruling and Reigning Through Righteous Judgment, part 1: Self-Reliance vs. Absolute Dependence

I got lots of great feedback on last week’s post. There is much grace being poured out from the Father to help us learn the difference between the real and the counterfeit. He is preparing us to rule and reign with Him in the earth!  … Continue readingRuling and Reigning Through Righteous Judgment, part 1: Self-Reliance vs. Absolute Dependence

Free Song: Whirlwind

This song is an older one, but it’s been on my mind lately, and today I would like to bless you with it. Just click this link to get your free download: Whirlwind And here it is on YouTube: Whirlwind (YouTube) Enjoy!Virginia

The Shoulders of the Priests

For your crossing over into your Promised Land and for your miraculous parting of the Jordan, the priestly must go first. It is all about ministering to the Lord and bearing on your shoulders the Ark of the Covenant, which is the “kabod” of God – the weight of His presence and His glory. The people will follow the priests who minister to the Lord and who bear His presence upon their shoulders. Only the priestly anointing can part the tumultuous waters standing between you and your promises. Then, when those waters part, you will walk through on dry ground and will manifest your kingship as you take the land. … Continue readingThe Shoulders of the Priests