Legislative Assignments

Several months, I shared a strategy from the Lord that He said would “change everything.” Do you remember what it was? And are you continuing to do it? It takes less than a minute each day, and I really do believe it is shaking, changing and rearranging things on planet earth. In case you’ve forgotten, I’ll remind you. The strategy is simply to set a daily alarm on your phone and, when it goes off, to turn your awareness to the heavenly realm and from your position of sonship there, release TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE into the earth. This is an exciting time to be alive, and it is truly an honor that the Father has chosen this generation to be part of the biggest shift the earth has seen in over 2,000 years!

Our ecclesia, All Things Restored, been given some very specific legislative assignments over the years. We were ushered into one of them by being positioned in a particular geographical portal through adverse circumstances. This portal had, for years, been occupied by the kingdom of God but was being usurped by the spirit of Islam. Once we moved past the place of short-sighted whining about our situation and realized what our assignment actually was, we knew what to do. We brought this case before the courts of heaven, received a verdict and released it with the words of our mouths, setting boundaries that would forever confine this spirit, never allowing it to expand or gain any more geographical ground than it had already been given. Within a few days of doing this, we received a message from a friend of a well-known prophetic intercessor. This intercessor shared that when she was crossing the state line approaching Jacksonville, she had an open vision of a middle-eastern man wearing a turban with a snake brooch on the front of it. He was rolling up his prayer mat, because he “had to go somewhere else.” This intercessor asked our friend if she knew anything about that, and our friend told her that she knew the people who had been legislating concerning the spirit of Islam. We knew that this was a confirmation that we had received our verdict and that our judgments had been enforced by the angels of God. Before we understood our assignment, we had been trying to move from this location, to no avail. But within three days of receiving this confirmation, we had signed a lease on the place of our next assignment – a place we had inquired over a year earlier but had been denied. 

Our next assignment had to do with stewarding the heart gate of our city. As gatekeepers, we use the authority of our words to say yes to life and no to death in our city. We bless the body of Christ, churches and pastors and release blessing, prosperity, unity, love and supernatural encounters. We have seen tangible fruit of our prayers as pastors of large churches have been ambushed and wrecked by supernatural encounters. This assignment in the heart gate also has to do with restructuring our literal, physical downtown cityscape. We are very aware that many things hang in the balance and that this blank canvas will bear the image of either this world system or the kingdom of God, and we are legislating that it will be a visible display of heaven on earth. In our recent times of legislation, the Father is insisting that we grow, refusing to tell us what to pray, but asking us, “What do you want? What do you see? What can you dream?” We are literally changing our city through our thoughts, our love and our creative words… just as “in the beginning.” 

 Once a month, a small group of us gather together to pray and legislate, judging earthly matters from the heavenly realm. After one particularly powerful and sobering time of issuing a “Psalm 2” warning, urging those in positions of earthly power to “kiss the Son,” someone blurted out, “We eholim’d it!” The phrase just stuck… And, yes, we did! We functioned as elohim, releasing God’s righteous judgments and His justice into the earth. And so can you!

Then he (the angel) said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words.”  -Daniel 12:12, NKJV

Then those who revered Yahweh spoke with one another. And Yahweh listened attentively and heard, and a scroll of remembrance was written before him of those who revere Yahweh and ponder his name. -Malachi 3:16, LEB

…for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. -Romans 10:10, NASB

So, continue to walk in your authority as a son of God, doing this one small thing that changes everything! I’d love to hear your testimonies of how TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, and JUSTICE has been changing your world, your family, your finances, your church, your city, your nation, and beyond…

For such a time as this…

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