One day while in prayer, I found myself in the heavenly realm, walking upon veins of gold. In between the veins, stones were bubbling up that were similar to opals, in that they had different colors within them, yet each was a different color and emanated with a fiery glow. They were hard, yet soft at the same time, and pulsated with life. I felt a very strong nearness and presence of God in that place, yet the only glimmer of understanding I had was that I kept hearing the phrase, walking among the fiery stones. Over the next few years, I sensed the Father’s drawing to come back and dance upon those stones, but I had some things to learn and had some growing up to do before I would be able to steward all that the Father had for me there in that place. Eventually, I realized that I had been inside the Father’s heart!
Ezekiel 28 is a multi-dimensional description of both the earthly king of Tyre and lucifer:
Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Son of man, take up a lamentation for the king of Tyre, and say to him. ‘Thus says the Lord God: “You were the seal of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was your covering: The sardius, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created. You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.’”
–Ezekiel 28:11-14, NKJV
Here we see that lucifer was adorned with gemstones in a way very similar to the breastplates of the priests (Exodus 28:15-19). Why? Because we are called to be an earthly picture of a heavenly reality, and these gemstones pictured the very heart of God! It is in that place where we were known by Him before we came into this earth (Jeremiah 1:5; Psalm 139). Literally, IN HIM, we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). This is why II Peter 2:5 says that we are living stones! We are eternal spirit beings before we take on human form, and we are these gemstones in His heart. When the fire of His love shines through us, just as when light shines through an earthly gemstone, it forms a rainbow — just like the rainbow that surrounds His throne!
Once I understood where I had been, I was able to return at will. So, I began to worship, allowing agreement between heaven and earth to create a whirlwind that carried my awareness into the heavenly realm. I saw the
Father’s heart as a deep, blue pool, and I dove inside, where it felt like a warm, completely safe womb. At the entry were the stones — beautiful and glowing with intense, fiery colors I have never seen before and cannot describe. His love overwhelmed me in that place, and I realized that this was my home. This is where I have come from. I suddenly understood the meaning of I’m in You and You’re in me (John 14:1-21). In that place, I began to worship with my heart, with my song and with my body, as I danced upon those stones, yielding myself. I was completely overwhelmed by the way my Father, the Creator of all things, allows His heart to be tender and vulnerable to His creation. I literally felt a fraction of the pain He felt when lucifer abused that sacred place, taking for granted His great love. What an honor we have been given to occupy that place once again!
The next time I went back, I was immediately dancing with the Flame of Yah (Yeshua). His fiery presence was purging, refining and purifying me of desires that were too temporary and too small. Then I began dancing what I knew to be a chuwl dance. Chuwl is one of the Hebrew words for praise, describing a spinning dance that has to do with travail and birthing. So, I knew that I was travailing, laboring to bring things forth from the heavens into the earth. He began to reveal to me that everything — EVERYTHING — exists in its entirety there in His heart! Every promise is already fulfilled. Everything is already restored. Every miracle is already complete. Every desire of His heart melted into ours is already “yes and amen” there in that place!
As I have continued plunging into God’s heart, dancing upon the fiery stones, I have realized that the stones are just at the very entry. There are much deeper places — many mansions — in His heart. His heart is so vast, so infinite that all the galaxies and every created thing contained within it are as mere specks of dust. Encountering Him is the greatest adventure of all eternity.
So, be encouraged in knowing that, as you submit to the process of maturation, going from child to young man to father, endless exploits await you. In the Father’s heart is where you co-create with Him, birthing spiritual reality into the realm of earth! In that place, nothing is impossible!
This is an excerpt from my new book, Miracles Are Normal. To purchase a hard copy or e-book, click here: Miracles Are Normal
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