One day, while walking with the Father on the Ancient Paths, He said to me, “You chose to eat from My hand and you chose rightly. Your choice was tested, and you stood firm. Now you will be filled with My never-ending supply. And you will see that no one could ever out-give Me. Prepare to see the scales of My justice tip on your behalf.”
I then saw the scales of His justice tip, and a raging torrent of the water of LIFE poured out upon me. It burst through every dam, every impediment, and nothing could stop it! I saw in an instant how “the foundation of His throne is righteousness and justice” (Psalm 89:14 & 97:2). I had already experienced the River of LIFE and the River of Desire and of the Ecstasies of God, which both flow out of His heart. But unlike these two graceful rivers, Justice is a raging torrent with power like Niagra Falls. And when it is released on our behalf, nothing can stop it, nothing! Not all the powers of darkness and hell can even begin to stand against it. When the time comes and his decree of justice is released, it is done!
But let justice run down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream. Amos 5:24
Justice is very important to God. Besides being the very foundation of His throne, Yeshua executed justice with the help of the Seven Spirits of God (Isaiah 11:1-2). David pleased the Lord because he ruled in justice, and Solomon pleased Him because he asked for “understanding to discern justice” (I Kings 3:11). Justice is an integral part of ruling and reigning in a way that pleases the Father.
By me (Wisdom) kings reign and rulers decree justice.
–Proverbs 8:15
The Father continued, “First, you will receive this torrent of justice on your behalf and then it will flow through you into the earth as you rule and reign in My name. Get ready for righteousness and justice to rain down upon you. Get ready for the rain of My justice and the rain of My mercy and the rain of My glory to overtake you. You will not swim, but you will not drown. And My mercy and kindness and generosity will be displayed in the lives of those whose hearts are tender toward Me.”
I began to see that justice is different than mercy. Mercy is receiving something you don’t deserve, but justice has to do with receiving what you do deserve. And this is why justice is paired with righteousness and why they, together, are the foundation of His throne. This is why the Lamb of God, the only One worthy, was slain from before the foundation of the world: to make us righteous. It works like this… The Holy Spirit reveals sin and iniquity, we repent and apply the blood of Yeshua to that sin and are made righteous. Then we are qualified (through no merit of our own) to receive justice. Mercy is for the guilty, but justice is for the righteous. And it is a fierce, mighty, unstoppable torrent that no demon, nor hell itself can stand against. It is a rushing waterfall. His voice is “like the sound of many waters” because He is decreeing, in ultimate authority, His justice on our behalf.
He said, “There is a wave of equity coming to the earth in this season. It will be justice for the oppressed and judgment for the oppressors. It will be justice for those who have said YES to My invitation to abide under the shadow of My wings, those who have humbly accepted My righteousness in place of their own works. Position yourself for great blessing.”
So, be encouraged and receive, by faith, this outpouring of Divine justice on your behalf!
And will you join me now in this song, inviting the King of Kings to rule and reign over this nation and over our lives?
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