Your Part and God’s Part

Have you ever wondered what your part is and what God’s part is in this whole miracle thing? Have you asked, “Is it up to me or up to God? Am I to do something or do nothing?” Have you wondered what obedience or faith is supposed to look like for you in your specific situation? If you’re asking these questions, you are dancing the dance of the two camps. And you are not alone. … Continue readingYour Part and God’s Part

Multiplicity & Jumpstart Update

Perhaps you, too, feel overwhelmed with too many things clamoring for your time and attention. Maybe you have felt scattered, like you’re doing so many things that you’re not doing anything well. Maybe you have even felt a bit of confusion in your time with the Lord, because there are so many different things to do and to practice and so many different places to go and things to engage with in the Spirit. Like me, maybe you have been trying to maintain all these natural responsibilities and spiritual disciplines out of singularity instead of realizing that, in Christ, you are multidimensional.  … Continue readingMultiplicity & Jumpstart Update

Leveraging Your Suffering

God is never the author of evil. It is our adversary who seeks to “steal, kill and destroy.” Our Father DOES, however, give us opportunities to OVERCOME evil, knowing that suffering produces a brokenness and humility in us that nothing else can accomplish. This brokenness doesn’t earn His blessing, but, if we respond correctly, it does serve to break the dominion of the flesh, which, in turn, allows us to receive and steward the blessings He is constantly pouring out. This is why God loves a broken and contrite spirit. … Continue readingLeveraging Your Suffering

Jumpstart 2023

Since 2018, I have done early morning prayer and encounter times with other believers for the first 30 days of the new calendar year. These times have been rich in God’s presence and revelation and have provided both a spiritual jumpstart and spiritual blueprints for the days ahead. This year, I felt impressed to expand via Zoom to include you! … Continue readingJumpstart 2023

Good or God? And Countdown to Christmas Week 5: Half-Price Digital Everything Bundle

For the last few weeks, I’ve been sharing about a trading platform in the heavenly realm where we all trade all the time, whether we realize it or not. I’ve mentioned the specific criteria given to me by Wisdom to determine whether something is a … Continue readingGood or God? And Countdown to Christmas Week 5: Half-Price Digital Everything Bundle