In a recent encounter, I was flying through the cosmos on the back of the giant Eagle. I was sitting on His back, holding onto His feathers, and I could feel the chilly air on my face as we flew. Spirit to spirit, He said to me, “Perspective.” I knew exactly what He meant. We are not unconcerned with earth stuff and material things, for they have been given to us to steward for His glory. But from here, they are very, very small. We tend to fall into one of two imbalances, either becoming materialistic and distracted or abdicating the responsibility of stewarding and caring for creation. It is this higher perspective that enables us to walk in Spirit-balance, for from here, the smallness of jobs, cars, dirty dishes, and people problems is clear. And from here, governing strategies are also clear.
I realized that from this vantage point, I could see both horizons, and I knew that I would be able to see choices and outcomes simultaneously, both pathways and destinations. I immediately thought of Prudence, who has revealed herself to me as long-term Wisdom. As if beckoned by thought, Wisdom and Prudence showed up and said in unison, “We love this place!”
Of course, it is Proverbs 8:12… where Wisdom and Prudence dwell together. It is also Proverbs 8:2… the way, where the paths meet.
If you are in the valley of decision or are struggling to balance the earthly with the heavenly, I encourage you to engage with His Eagle face. Ascend high above the static of this realm into the place of perfect stillness and clarity, the place where you can see your choices and outcomes simultaneously. And remember… You become what you behold.
But those who entwine their hearts with Yahweh
will experience divine strength.
They will rise up on soaring wings and fly like eagles,
run their races without growing weary,
and walk through life without giving up.
-Isaiah 40:31, TPT
Until next time,