Did you know that atoms are basically little force fields with empty space? In essence, we see God expanding Himself out of the center of atoms to create space for creation… for us!
In a recent encounter, my spirit was crying out to the Lord, “My soul longs for You.” But it wasn’t in the sense that I am longing for something I don’t have; it was in the sense of an ever-expanding pursuit. I believe that the multiverse is expanding faster than the speed of light, since that very first “Let there be!” In the same way, I became one spirit with Him at salvation, and I will forever be growing into the fullness of my oneness with the Uncreated One. Like the picture of the infinity sign, He is pursuing me, and I am pursuing Him for all eternity. The “I am in You, and You are in me” (John 14:20) expands into eternity. My cry of longing is not one of dissatisfaction, for I am fully satisfied in Him. Yet I continue moving deeper within and expanding without, filling in the fullness of who He is.
And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.
– Ephesians 1:22-23, NKJV
Another translation says it this way:
And he alone is the leader and source of everything needed in the church. God has put everything beneath the authority of Jesus Christ and has given him the highest rank above all others. And now we, his church, are his body on the earth and that which fills him who is being filled by it!
– Ephesians 1:22-23, TPT
The Passion Translation commentary goes on to say, “That is, as we are those who are filled (completed) by Christ, we also complete (fill) Him. What a wonderful and humbling mystery is revealed by this verse.”
My longing led me into the darkness that surrounds Him (Psalm 97:2). As I began to see His light piercing through His darkness-garment, I saw my molecules as particles of light. The closer I got, the more they started coming apart. I had absolutely no idea what would become of me, but I knew that becoming totally lost in Him is no loss at all, for He is everything.
As I watched my light molecules in third person, Holy Spirit showed me that this is how they can take on any form. This is how Jesus looked different on the road to Emmaus and at the tomb when Mary thought He was the gardener. I am completely malleable here, and His light is becoming my light…. Uncreated light. In this place where my molecules are dissociated, His voice and His breath dance between the empty spaces, bringing form and substance according to His word.
The Father said to me, “The more you allow Me to annihilate you, the more you can trust every thought, feeling, and word… because the old life is gone, and it is My life flowing.”
Oh, precious annihilation! You have freed me from the prison of self and the limitations of materiality. It is the way of Enoch!
Here’s a fun song to help you on your journey. It’s called Wanna Walk Like Enoch, and I’m making it free for you for a week. Just click HERE to download.
So, if your heart is longing, let go and….. just step in!
Until next time,
Keep pioneering the Enoch realities! Thanks as we aim for the highest in Christ. You might check out Michael Fickess’s translation of Enoch: Enoch’s Blessing, and his book about the Enoch walk: Paths of Ever-Increasing Glory. Michael is a prophet and teacher on staff at MorningStar here in Fort Mill, SC. Am tracking with you! Agape,
Hi friend, Thank you so much. And will do. Love you heaps!