Ruling and Reigning Through Righteous Judgment, part 4: Functioning as Elohim

WALKING THE ANCIENT PATHS, BEING IN CHARGE OF GOD’S COURTS, JUDGING THE WORLD AND THE ANGELS ARE ALL FUNCTIONS OF MATURE SONS, WHO HAVE DIED TO SELF AND FALSE JUDGMENT AND WHO CAN BE TRUSTED TO BEAR THE HEART OF GOD. What the Father has waiting for us is well worth the preparation! … Continue readingRuling and Reigning Through Righteous Judgment, part 4: Functioning as Elohim


There are four things that you can do with your resources (time, money, energy, affection, attention, revelation, talents, spiritual gifts): 1. Waste: You do this when you fail to steward your resources but instead squander them on fleshly lusts or unwise practices. You also do this when … Continue readingStewardship